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Falling Skies Recap: “Compass”

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by Merrill Barr:

Falling Skies Recap: “Compass”
Original Air Date (TNT): June 24, 2012
Season 2 Episode 3


When it comes to shows like The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Sons of Anarchy and of course Falling Skies, shows built on premises of violence, chaos and unruliness, it isn’t a question of if someone will die, rather it’s a question of who and when.  The unexpected part is when a death is not built up with any sort of importance (usually with some kind of moment of badassery). I think of examples like Dale’s death in The Walking Dead, Kozik’s in Sons of Anarchy and now Jimmy’s on Falling Skies.

I’m torn by the death of Jimmy. On the one hand, it’s the first time Falling Skies has shown true balls in its writing. While (as far as I’m concerned) a fantastic sci-fi/adventure show, it does lack a sense of daringness (outside of anything Pope does). While the situations are certainly dangerous, the moments of true suspense are few and far between. But that all changes after “Compass.” The torn part comes from the fact that of all the possible side characters to bump off, Jimmy seemed the safest.

Jimmy was a character that really grew on the sidelines in season one. Often times having to face down the alien invasion on his own while proving to be a surrogate son to Weaver. He’s a character that you grew to love rather than loving from the start. But much like Agent Coulson in The Avengers, now the Second Mass truly has something fight for. Vengeance.

Some may say the Second Mass always had that as all of them had lost someone in the initial invasion, this is true. But those wounds have scarred over at this point. No one’s thinking about the ones they’ve lost now that their survival is on the line. But the wound of Jimmy’s death is now fresh for everyone, especially Weaver (who viewed Jimmy like family), Ben (who was already in a killing mood when it came to the Skitters and Overlords) and Anne (whose dream of having her son’s birthday remain pure of death are shattered).

The death of Jimmy was a hefty surprise since deaths like his are usually held for premiers and finales, not middle episodes. The unwritten bible of television says big character deaths will occur to serve as hooks, by having it happen in the third episode of the season, it mirrors the scene itself where instead of dying on the battlefield, Jimmy is thrust into a tree by ole Red Eye while on patrol. Thus proving, no one is safe. Anytime. Anywhere.

It’s a hard blow that push come to shove, will serve as a great turning point for the Second Mass.

But Jimmy’s death wasn’t the only game changer to come this episode. Did you really think I would forget about the mysterious Avery Churchill? So here’s the deal, I think what Ms. Chruchill says is true. I do believe she does indeed come baring news of a new government set up in Charleston. I do believe she was sent to find commanders like Weaver to escort survivors to said new government. What I don’t believe is that it’ll turn out to be the saving grace the Second Mass hopes it will.

It was only a matter of time before new governments began forming in the post-invasion world and I’m sure Charleston isn’t the only one. What would be a fascinating turn of events is if the Overlord’s speech to Tom about humanity’s capacity for violence and war was put to the test. Having not seen any future episodes, that’s pure speculation, but one possible direction the show could be leading the viewers in. Remember, Churchill said contact has been made with Europe, there are many ways this all could go.

And finally, there’s the whole Tom vs Pope thing. That all out brawl was exactly what the show’s been building towards. When it ends, Pope is beaten, badly. But in the nature of a true psychotic, he’s happy about it. He’s happy because for a brief moment he was able to make Tom’s primal nature appear. The one we all have, the one some of us have more control over than others. It’s a real read between the lines moment, something that was lacking from the first season, and something I hope to see more of this season. Where Pope’s story leads now that he and Anthony have left the Second Mass is anyone’s guess, but I’m sure this isn’t the last we’ve seen of them.

This episode was a real game changer for the season and we aren’t even at the half-way point yet. Be regardless, I know I’m looking forward to whatever comes next.

~Merrill Barr, DarkMedia Resistance Group 49 – out~

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DarkMedia contributor Merrill Barr can also be found on his podcast, The Idiot Boxers and on Twitter @sonic43.

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About The Author

DarkMedia contributor Merrill Barr can also be found on his podcasts OSNAP, Clone Club and Operation: Nikita as well as on twitter at

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