Monday, February 24, 2025

Browsing the "Entertainment" Category

Sons of Anarchy S7 Ep 3 “Playing with Monsters” Recap

Our weekly SOA excursion opens with Amber and the girls working on their first feature, “Skankenstein” at the Stockton warehouse. The skank in question is shocked back to life for some girl-on-girl action while the MC looks on. Will Vivid Video be worried? Probably [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy S7E2 “Toil and Till” Recap

Our episode opens with Jax awaking to the sound of a lawn mower the morning after his Gemma manipulated murder of last week’s totally innocent Tong foot soldier. He wanders through his empty house, sitting down in the kitchen to [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy S07E01 “Black Widower” Recap

We’re back, Crow Lovers!  And so is SAMCRO for the final time. Now, I now that makes you sad. In the last 12 months, we in TV land have had to say goodbye to everyone from Heisenberg’s Baby Blue to Sookie and The Gang . And [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Doctor Who S8E3 “Robot of Sherwood” Recap

Original Airdate:  September 6, 2014 I feel like we’re moving closer to the old-school Doctor with these latest episodes.  Robot of Sherwood felt a lot like an early David Tennant episode, with a good story and lots of adventure. The [...]

Doctor Who (BBC)

True Blood Series Finale “Thank You” Recap

Original Airdate:  August 24, 2014 The day has arrived.  It’s time to say goodbye to True Blood after seven lovely seasons.  I can’t believe the series finale is upon us.  It seems like a horrible dream, really.  My summertime once-guilty-pleasure-turned-television-sensation-that-everyone-watches [...]

True Blood (HBO)

Doctor Who S08E01 “Deep Breath” Recap

Original Airdate: August 23, 2014 Hard to believe it’s been eight months since Matt Smith faced the Daleks and made the ultimate sacrifice.  But it’s time to welcome Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor.  The 12th Doctor.  Wow.  I’m pretty [...]

Doctor Who (BBC)

True Blood Recap S07E09 “Love is to Die” Recap

Original Airdate:  August 17, 2014 Bill tries to explain to Jessica and Sookie that he has accepted his fate.  Pam reminds everyone to keep it down while the Yakuza is upstairs.  Sookie tells Bill that if he chooses death he [...]

True Blood (HBO)

True Blood S07E08 “Almost Home” Recap

Original Airdate:  August 10, 2014 Welcome back, Truebies.  We have two episodes left after tonight’s roller coaster ride.  Loose ends are still…loose.  Last week we saw Sookie reunite with Bill.  That left everyone talking.  But the big revelation was Ashley [...]

True Blood (HBO)

True Blood Recap S7E7 “May Be The Last Time” Recap

Original Airdate:  August 3, 2014 We’re back in Dallas as Eric interrogates Amber about Sarah’s whereabouts.  Eric’s tactics aren’t working, so Mr. Gus steps in and asks about an antidote to the virus.  Amber tells Mr. Gus that Sarah’s name [...]

True Blood (HBO)