Friday, March 28, 2025

Browsing the "Book Reviews" Category

House of Horrors

“I fear we too are dying, for we live with madness.” The nightmarishly beautiful prose is but one reason to venture into the unnerving catacombs of House of Horrors, an anthology of short genre excursions by the indomitable Carole Gill. [...]

Book Reviews

The Matriarch: Guardians

Just when you think you know what to expect from a sequel, Kevin A. Ranson completely shatters predictability with The Matriarch: Guardians. Although the first book,The Matriarch delivered a dark and intense sojourn, the sequel has managed to launch the story out [...]

Book Reviews

Dead of Winter Review

by Alex Scully: I once read an interview with a horror author and he argued that a story wasn’t really horror if it did not have a lot of blood, guts, and brutality in it. Rob Smales takes that idea [...]

Book Reviews

The Walking Dead #119 Review

Having punched Gregory for siding with Negan, Maggie then got the rest of the Hilltop community to rally together and support Rick’s war against the Saviors. However, when a raid on one of the Saviors outposts goes wrong, casualties are [...]

Arts and Literature, Book Reviews

The Walking Dead #118 Review

Having won the first battle, Rick sets his sights on the Saviors’ supply outposts, while Negan and his forces try to fight back against the Walkers that have surrounded their base. Even though their prisoner, Holy, doesn’t quite provide Negan [...]

Book Reviews

Earth 2 #19 Review

The Arkham World Amy Base is in ruins following Superman’s attack, Flash, Mr Terrific, and Terry Sloan have been captured, and the Parademons of Apokolips have risen from the fire pits to invade Earth 2. Batman managed to reach the [...]

Arts and Literature, Book Reviews

Fangasm: Supernatural Fangirls Review

Fangirling. We all do it. Think you don’t? Well, think again. Whether it be a certain musician, sports team, author, or whatever interest captures your fancy, we all have that “thing” that causes us unexplainable joy by its very existence. [...]

Book Reviews

Earth 2 #18 Review

The World Army fleet and the New Wonders have retreated to their Arkham Base after Brutaal killed Steppenwolf in Dherian and was revealed as Superman, the formerly deceased hero of Earth 2, now returned as the herald of Darksied. The [...]

Arts and Literature, Book Reviews

Fresh Fear Review

Fresh Fear: Contemporary Horror, edited by William Cook for James Ward Kirk Publishing, is a tantalizing collection of horror stories purportedly from emerging new artists, though some names will be quite familiar to longtime genre fans. Any avid reader of [...]

Book Reviews