Thursday, March 27, 2025

Browsing the "Reviews" Category

The Walking Dead #174 Review

The Walking Dead #174 – Review by Paul Bowler It’s a solitary life for some in The Walking Dead #174, as the spotlight falls on the series’ infamous big bad and former Saviors leader, Negan. Because of his help during [...]

Articles, Book Reviews, Entertainment, Horror, Reviews, The Walking Dead (AMC)

Logan Film Review

Logan embarks on a violent, bloody, finale stand as Hugh Jackman returns to the role of Wolverine, the iconic Mutant X-Man with the unbreakable adamantium skeleton, retractable claws, and incredible healing factor. Based loosely around the Marvel Comics classic Old [...]

Arts and Literature, Movie Reviews, Movies, Reviews

The Walking Dead #109

by Paul Bowler: Now that Rick has formed a new alliance with Ezekiel over at The Kingdom settlement, The Walking Dead #109 turns its attention towards the hilltop community, where Maggie is mourning beside Glen’s graveside. Here she finds a [...]



by Julianne Snow: Expected Date of Release: June 17th, 2013 About the Book: Who wouldn’t want to live in an idyllic village in the English countryside like Lynnwood? With its charming pub, old dairy, friendly vicar, gurgling brooks, and its old paths [...]


A Tale of Red Riding: Rise of the Alpha Huntress

  by Julianne Snow: About the Book: In this action-packed twist on the beloved Grimm Fairytale, Red Riding will not only face dangerous wolves; she will have to face the wolf within herself. Gifted with the power to transform into [...]


Earth 2 #11

by Paul Bowler: The all new origin of Doctor Fate continues in Earth 2 #11 as the Flash and Khalid Ben Hussain begin to make their way through the elaborate corridors and walkways of the Tower of Fate. Here they must [...]

Arts and Literature, Reviews

20th Century Ghosts

by Missy Jane: I’ve mentioned before how difficult I find rating anthologies and this one was no different. There are 15 stories in this book and I probably would have only give half of them 5 stars if they were [...]

Arts and Literature, Reviews

The Spooky Chronicles: The Crooked Man

by Joshua Skye: Once upon a time, there was a pale little boy named Spencer. He was very ill and one day, he died. On the other side of the threshold however, he met a mysterious Crooked Man who, for [...]

Arts and Literature, Reviews

Dark Star

by Kelly M. Smith: Fantasy/sci-fi books are supposed to take readers to another plane when they read, make reality disappear for a few blissful hours. That’s exactly what Carol J. Hansen’s debut, self-published novel “DarkStar” does for the reader. The [...]

Arts and Literature, Reviews