Sunday, February 23, 2025

Browsing the "Arts and Literature" Category

Spelunking [Eaten Alive in the Dark]

Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Lisa McCourt Hollar: The lights had burned out but Samuel didn’t mind. He’d seen the creatures that dwelled down here and he didn’t care to see them coming. Thomas was [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry

The Void

by Alex Mcdermott: Brett Talley’s debut novel, That Which Should Not Be, was basically a prequel to Lovecraft’s masterpiece short story “The Call of Cthulhu.” It relied heavily on the plot, suspense, and action of its inspiration. Lovecraft’s story has become a [...]

Arts and Literature, Reviews


by Alex Mcdermott: Climate change. Global warming. Dying polar bears. Mass extinction. You can’t go anywhere without hearing about Man’s damage to the planet. We are killing the Earth. But are we really? We are destroying it. There’s no doubt [...]

Arts and Literature, Reviews

The Cold Spot (Delirium Novella Series)

by Alex Mcdermott: Horror monsters seem to go through trends. When I was little, it was the vampire. Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire found a new audience, Poppy Z. Brite gave us Lost Souls, and Francis Ford Coppola (with a major casting [...]

Arts and Literature

Short Sips: Coffee House Flash Fiction Collection 2

by Alex Mcdermott: In the horror world, there are two camps out there. There are the gore/ splatter/ violence fans and the dark, Gothic fans. Short Sips: Coffee House Flash Fiction Collection 2 is definitely for the literary horror community. [...]

Arts and Literature

Martyrs and Monsters

by Alex Mcdermott: When you really dig into literature, you begin to see a significant difference between the novel and the short story. Novels give authors the opportunity to explore themes, characters, and plot in great depth. Short stories are [...]

Arts and Literature

Uncommon Cents

by Michael C. Keith: For good ye are and bad, and like to coins, Some true, some light . . .  –Lord Tennyson Eleven year-old Sammy Medford had established a rule about picking up lost pennies from the ground. If [...]

Arts and Literature, Short Fiction and Poetry

Dead Ends

by James M. Barton: At the metallic click of the doorknob Jack jerked his head toward the heavy oak door.   Outside, a grey shadow appeared through the small stained glass window. Buttoning his suit jacket, he hurried to greet [...]

Arts and Literature, Short Fiction and Poetry

Letters of Grisham Lane

by Adam Jones: PREFACE  These letters were confiscated as evidence in a national murder investigation that began in Chicago in 19XX. News reports saw very little coverage of these incidents because they were classified as highly confidential. Since then, pieces of [...]

Arts and Literature, Short Fiction and Poetry