Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Browsing the "Articles" Category

The Walking Dead #174 Review

The Walking Dead #174 – Review by Paul Bowler It’s a solitary life for some in The Walking Dead #174, as the spotlight falls on the series’ infamous big bad and former Saviors leader, Negan. Because of his help during [...]

Articles, Book Reviews, Entertainment, Horror, Reviews, The Walking Dead (AMC)

Edgar Allan Poe: “Beyond Fashion” – Twenty Literary Icons Praise America’s Most Influential Writer

“Shall we compare our sluggish eyes and our deafened ears to those eyes which pierce the mist, to those ears which would hear the grass growing?” Charles Baudelaire “I admire a few lyrics of his extremely and a few pages [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

A Sinister Solstice: Books to Chill You to the Bone this Holiday Season

After the slow steady parade of the changing seasons, the transformation of leaves from summer emerald to autumnal oranges, reds, and browns, we enter the diminutive days of the Season of Death. Winter. The air grows cold, the perfume of [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature
Edgar Allan Poe

How to Write a Short Story According to Edgar Allan Poe

Paying Homage to the Pioneer of the Short Story on his Birthday “Literature is the most noble of professions. In fact, it is about the only one fit for a man. For my own part, there is no seducing me [...]


Color Me 50 Shades of…Unimpressed

by Tracy Ladd: Dear 50 Shades, Well, well, well.  Aren’t you just a hot little number these days.  It seems like it anyway.  I wonder how The Twilight Saga feels about you stealing all of its thunder.  Although, if I’m being [...]


Something Wicked This Way Comes

by Alex McDermott: Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. Edgar Allan Poe  Horror is big business these days. From huge events like ZomBCon in Seattle, Washington to the plethora of novels, [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Why Are People So Fascinated by Zombies?

by Todd Card: Zombies. What is the fascination? What is it that drives people wild about them? I intended to find out. With two separate naked, “bath salt” cannibalistic type face-eating incidents making the National news recently, I thought it [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

The Vampire: From Ghoul to Teen Idol

by Phillip Donnelly: Vampires have become the idols of the young, adopting roles formerly played by pop stars and political messiahs. Where once a poster of Che Guevara or Jim Morrison might have graced a bedroom wall, a gloomy vampire now [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Stale Heroes Tell the Same Old Story

by Phillip Donnelly: WHAT’S NEW? There is nothing new under the sun, at least not in the world of fiction. We are all, it would appear, either listening to or retelling the same old story. Every hero you can think of, [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature