Sunday, March 30, 2025

The Captured Bird (2012) Review

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Directed by: Jovanka Vuckovic
Written by: Jovanka Vuckovic
Starring: Skyler Wexler

No-Spoiler Synopsis:

A little girl is drawn to a run-down industrial building after following a strange crack that appears in the sidewalk as she’s drawing chalk figures. Entering the building, she witnesses the birth of five horrifying creatures.


I came upon this film while doing research for another project and was immediately captivated by it. Jovanka Vuckovic has been touted as a visionary film director and this film has proven that to be true in spades. Executive produced by Guillermo del Toro, The Captured Bird truly is a masterful short film like nothing I’ve ever seen.

The story line is simple, and yet it packs such a visual and visceral punch that you’re left with glimpses into a place in time you’ll always remember and yet want to forget. It’s compelling, and leaves so many unanswered questions that leave you wanting more: what are the creatures and why are they awakening; what prompts the young girl to continue on her quest to investigate when it takes her so far from her family; what happens to the little girl?

Visually the film truly is stunning and you can see the vision the Vuckovic poured into the film in the costuming and setting. Everything works seamlessly together from one shot to another; beauty juxtaposed with ugliness in such a way that you feel the emotions painted across the young girl’s face. Her acting, while not overdone in any way, is captivating. You want to follow her as she follows the crack as it draws her further and further away from her family.

The CGI effects are actually fairly decent, better than what I’ve seen in some larger budget movies and I think that’s a testament to the obvious love and hard work that went into making the film. The creatures themselves are terrifying, not only from their appearance, but from the perspective that they are a mystery. There is a shot toward the end that is absolutely mind-blowing in its visual appeal. It seems out of place in a horror film, but in context it works. And it works beautifully.

In its totality, The Captured Bird is something you’re not going to want to miss. It’s a short master class in the way in which atmosphere and minimalistic (practically non-existent) dialogue can create all the elements you need to be swept away into a world you never wanted to enter. Highly recommended.

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About The Author

DarkMedia contributor Julianne Snow was first lulled into the horror genre by her parents during an ill-advised viewing of Alien when she was only 4 years old. Since that date, it’s been a given that Julianne will watch and read anything that is horror related. Her short fiction has appeared in anthologies from Sirens Call Publications and Open Casket Press, as well as The Sirens Call and various other websites showcasing short fiction. She is the author of the Days with the Undead series, which can be found on her website. Her first novel, Days with the Undead: Book One was published in early 2012 and is based on her popular web serial.

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