Monday, March 31, 2025

Being Human Season Finale Recap: “Ruh Roh”

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by Tracy Ladd:

Being Human Recap: “Ruh Roh”
Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday April 8, 2013
Season 3 Episode 13

Well that’s a wrap on this season folks.  What an eventful finale it was too.  I’ve expressed my concern over the last couple of weeks about how there has been no word on whether or not the show will return for a fourth season.  I asked SyFy the question on Twitter last week and was told “Too soon to know anything yet. We’re still in season 3.”  The reason this makes me nervous is that season three was given the green light within a month of the second season premiere.  All we can do at this point is wait and hope that it will happen.  However, the tweets from the cast during the finale last night sounded very much like goodbye.  Perhaps I’m just reading into things, but my gut tells me otherwise.  I’m be more than happy to eat my words if SyFy does indeed renew it.

Enough about all that.  Last week left off with Josh and Nora spending their wedding night at a cabin, but ended up getting a late night visit from Liam.  Physical Sally is rotting away in her bed where she died….again, and Spirit Sally witnesses some freaky ghost-like shenanigans happening in the house.  Aidan has Kenny chained up in the basement, who we see is affected by Aidan’s blood just like Kat’s ex was, but Aidan doesn’t know it yet.  He’s busy with Kat.

So, picking up where things left off, Josh goes to check on Nora when he finds her face to face with Liam.  Liam tells them both that he accepts their desire to live with a vampire, but that there is something else going on that they need to know about.  Something worse.  He tells Josh that they’re family now, but Josh still doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.  Even though Liam persists that because he’s a pure-blood, Josh is a different wolf than he was previously. Tensions rise and tempers flare, which results in Liam drawing a gun on them and forcing them to go with him.


Their destination is an abandoned warehouse where a gaggle of incubating vampires are in the midst of change.  They all suffer the effects of the vampire/werewolf blood cocktail and each of them show the signs.  Liam explains to Josh and Nora what’s happening to them and Nora is appalled that it’s because of their blood that the vampires are abnormal.  Liam sees it as their duty to kill all of them, since these vampires are indiscriminate in their killing/turning.  Once again, tempers flare and in the heat of things, Nora admits to Liam that she was the one who actually killed Brynn, and the fact that Aidan now has another “son” comes to light, which spurs Liam on even more considering he knows that Aidan was the one who killed his son Connor.  Knowing that Josh and Nora won’t kill the new vampires willingly, Liam forces their hand by locking both of them in with the slowly waking herd.  After staking one here and there, Josh decides to be done with it and pours gasoline over the heap and sets them all on fire.

Meanwhile, Kat stayed the night with Aidan and the two got frisky on the living room floor where they both fell asleep.  Aidan is woken by Sally, who tells him that Kenny is screaming in the basement.  Worried about Kat, Aidan reluctantly leaves her where she sleeps and heads down to the basement to find Kenny awake and freaking out about his appearance.  He demands to know what’s happened and Aidan has to come clean, telling Kenny that he didn’t know this would happen until it was too late.  As if that wasn’t enough drama to deal with, Kat wakes up and noses around for the bathroom, but happens upon Sally’s body sprawled out on her bed.  Kat is understandably shaken to the core and Aidan tries to calm her down, but it doesn’t work.  Once Aidan gets Kat out of the room, Sally slams the door, which freaks Kat out even more and sends her fleeing from the house.  Aidan tries to follow, but she’s already gone.

Aidan sulks in the kitchen, while Sally tries to comfort him, as best she can in her non-corporeal state, when all of a sudden, Aidan takes a bullet to the head.  Horrified, but unable to do anything but watch, Sally looks on as Liam walks in and continues to pump lead into Aidan.  Knowing that it won’t kill him, it’ll just slow him down, Liam takes the opportunity to head to the basement to kill Kenny.  All while Sally is yelling for Aidan to get up.

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Things get ugly downstairs after Aidan is tossed down like a load of laundry.  Kenny starts to freak out, especially when Liam slams a shovel over Aidan’s head, then breaks the handle off to stake Kenny with.  Sally seems to have some power after all because she’s able to ignite the stake before Liam can use it.  Then all hell really breaks loose.   After a tussle, that leaves Aidan impaled on a pipe and stuck to the wall, Josh and Nora run in to stop the madness.  The resulting battle ends with Kenny feeding on Nora, who’s unconscious on the floor, Aidan pinned to the wall but Josh gets a lucky shot and is able to push Liam in Aidan’s direction who uses his strength to impale Liam on the same pole.  Pretty gruesome right?  Thankfully, Josh is able to get Kenny off of Nora prior to him killing her.

The aftermath leaves Josh cleaning up Nora’s wounds, and Aidan slowly healing himself.  He has to do some damage control with Kat however, and since he’s not good at compelling, he calls in a favor with Blake.  Once again Blake tries to get the upper hand with him, but once again, it doesn’t go over so well.  She agrees to help and the two head to Kat’s place.  There, Blake poses as a detective so that Kat will invite her in.  Once she’s in, Aidan follows, and Kat freaks out again.  Blake does her thing and leaves once she puts Kat to sleep.  Once Blake is gone, Kat wakes up and all is well, much to Aidan’s relief.  His next order of business is to deal with Kenny.

Aidan takes Kenny out to the forest and flashes back to his wife and son and how his wife was killed at the hands of the townspeople when they found out that Aidan had returned from the dead.  Coming back to present day, Kenny seems to know his fate, but Aidan tells him to run because he can’t bring himself to kill Kenny.

Josh and Nora are gone from the house due to it being time to change and all.  The next morning, Sally and Aidan have a chat and Aidan tells her that he’s going to for a walk, which leaves Sally in the house alone.  However, she’s not alone.  Spirit Donna is there with her it seems she has control over Sally.  Donna is holding a bit of a grudge and pushes Sally down the stairs, which makes her land in the exact position that originally killed her.  However, this time, when Sally tries to gets up, the floor falls out from beneath her.  Struggling to pull herself out of the abyss, Donna drags her down into the pit, and the floor returns to normal.


Needing to decompress after a couple of rough days, Aidan goes for a walk in the city.  He passes a cab that pulls to the curb to let out the passenger, who happens to be the doppelgänger of Suzanna, his wife that died at the hands of the townsfolk.

Before Josh and Nora left for the woods, Josh mentioned to Nora that he does indeed feel different this time around.  Nora sensed it and wanted him to talk about it, but he didn’t really go into details.  He just said that after the last time he confronted the wolf when he went through the door, he feels like the wolf is still with him.  Nora wakes up in the forest, but Josh is nowhere to be found.  Nora gets dressed and goes to look for Josh, and isn’t prepared for what she finds; Josh still in his werewolf state snarling at her.  Just as the screen goes black, all we hear is Nora’s scream.

Like I said, it was an eventful finale.  I mentioned to a friend how there hasn’t been word of a season four yet and she responded by asking where else could the story possibly go.  After this finale, the answer is: a lot of different places!  I was expecting ghost Donna to be a nuisance, but wasn’t expecting her to pull Sally into the pit of despair.  I certainly didn’t expect to see Aidan’s wife show up in present day.  As for Josh….what is up with that?  I’ll keep you posted as soon as I see something about the continuing adventures.  Until then.



I had to include this final picture because the look on Sam Witwer’s face is classic.

DarkMedia contributor Tracy Ladd has been writing about film since her days on the her high school newspaper. Even though she took a decade or two off to explore other things, she’s back to doing what she loves. She also bakes, can knit a pretty nifty scarf and makes lightsaber sounds with her knitting needles. Or chopsticks. Especially with the lightsaber chopsticks.

You can find her on Facebook, on Twitter @ReelGoddess, and on her website The Reel Goddess.

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About The Author

Tracy has been writing about film since her days on the her high school newspaper. Even though she took a decade or two off to explore other things, she’s back to doing what she loves. She also bakes, can knit a pretty nifty scarf and makes lightsaber sounds with her knitting needles. Or chopsticks. Especially with the lightsaber chopsticks.

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