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Being Human Recap: “What’s Blood Got to Do With It?”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Being Human Recap: “What’s Blood Got to Do With It”
Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday February 18, 2013
Season 3 Episode 6

Being Duped

Have you ever been in a dire situation that you could not change and wished with all of your might that you could be given the chance to alter course? Rather than face the consequences, we would opt for the alternative at the drop of a hat. In hindsight though, these desperate decisions have a way of leading to regret. In this episode of Being Human, our otherworldly roomies take a gamble with the great unknown, rather than cashing out on their hand. You just never know if Lady Luck is on your side, or if you just have been duped.

Soul Kitchen

The relationship between Max and Sally seems to be blossoming at a fast pace. A knock at the door forever changes Sally’s “life”. It is Robby, her brother, and she knows that if he sees her, he will die. She quickly summons Aidan and Josh to answer the door to find out why he is there. The guys speak with Robby who informs them that he is now their new landlord. This strikes them both as odd, since Robby seems a bit too eager to collect rent money in cash, but they need to not act so suspicious. When the guys tell Sally what Robby has just said, she freaks out because she has a feeling it will be only a matter of time that she crosses paths with him. The three of them discuss what options they have to hide her, even contemplating her wearing a ski mask, but ultimately agree to fix up the place so that Robby will have no reason to ever step foot inside of the home.

Max is completely bewildered by Sally’s odd behavior about seeing people from her past. What upsets him even more is that she seems to confide in Aidan and Josh rather than turn to him. Sally really can’t explain her situation to Max without exposing her supernatural predicament. Things come to a head when she accidentally runs into Robby on the street. In a panic, she tells Robby she will talk to him later and quickly dashes off.

After grabbing a reluctant Josh, they head off to find the witch, Donna. Sally wastes no time and basically threatens Donna if she does not figure out a way to save Robby from dying from her curse, she will cut her. Donna fights back and doesn’t even break a sweat. She tells Sally that if she wants to break the curse, she must surrender her soul to her upon death. Sally sees no way out of this, even though Josh pleads with her to not do it. The deal is made and now Sally is no longer forbidden from seeing people from her past. Sounds groovy, but you KNOW this can’t be good.
The next day, Sally returns to the funeral home and Max is very upset with Sally because she never showed up at his place the night before. She promises him that things are going to change and she fixed all of her issues. They can even go to a discotheque together! Max trades his pout for a smile and they kiss and make up. Sally runs into Robby again and they exchange a heart to heart conversation about their mom and dad. Seems that Robby has been a black sheep in the family for many years and was lying about having ownership of the house. He is just desperate for money and is now headed to Florida for a fresh start. Sally gives him sixty bucks and hug and he is on his merry way.

I Never Had a Choice

After a long absence from work, Aidan finally returns to the hospital. He simply didn’t think he could face the bubble boy, Kenny, after he had seen him all vamped out…but, alas…he needs money. Aidan nonchalantly enters Kenny’s room and acts as if nothing ever happened. He explains to Kenny that he had jury duty. Kenny doesn’t buy it and keeps pestering Aidan. Finally, Aidan gives in and tells Kenny how he became a vampire. We are treated to a flashback to Aidan during the Revolutionary War, where he led his men into battle. He was caught off guard by Bishop who attacked him and agreed to spare his life if he agreed to become a vampire, lest the troops all be killed by Bishop. Aidan agrees to become a vampire to spare the lives of his men, but quickly finds out that even his best friend is not safe from attack. Aidan feasts on his best friend, Benjamin, and so begins his new life as an outcast. Who would want that kind of life? To answer that, Kenny.

Kenny sees no way out of his own personal prison. He can’t leave his quarantined hospital room, else he will die. It would make sense for him to request for Aidan to turn him to an immortal vampire. He tells Aidan that if he does not turn him, he will leave the hospital the day he turns 18 and becomes an adult, because he can’t live this way anymore. It is not a life. Aidan has some serious thinking to do.


With Nora completely busy at work, Josh tends to the high maintenance needs of Erin. She is a typical teenage girl. Messy, lazy, and up to no good. Josh can’t help but blurt out things only a mother would say to a child…something that disturbs him. Aidan advises that he let Erin have her space because she is just rebelling.

While Josh is out, Aidan is alone in the house with Erin. All this time that Nora was afraid to leave the two of them alone together because she was fearful of what Aidan might do to Erin is a complete twist. We see Aidan go to the fridge to grab a vial of blood to eat; unaware that Erin is secretly spying on him. She quietly calls Liam and urges him to come over. In a series of flashbacks, we see that Liam had conspired with Erin to switch out the pure blood for her own, thereby poisoning Aidan when he drinks it. Aidan takes a huge swig of the blood and immediately goes into convulsions. We end this episode with Erin standing over Aidan, ready to stake him in the heart with a sharpened wooden bedpost.

Quotable Quotes

Josh to Erin (referring to Erin spraying whipped cream into her mouth): “That’s communal cream!

Josh to Aidan (referring to Erin): “Everything is so, ‘My So Called Life’ with her.

Featured Music

Befitting to the chaotic scene of Erin watching over Aidan writhing in pain after he drinks her blood instead of human blood, the song “Age of Denial” by Sennen strums in the background with a panicked fury.

DarkMedia contributing writer Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. She currently covers SupernaturalGhost Adventures, BBC’s Being Human, Syfy’s Being Human, and Sherlock. When she’s not out ghost hunting with her kids, you can find her stealing a moment to add to her own pieces of fiction. Follow her on Twitter @dvsduo and “friend” her on Facebook.

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About The Author

Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. Kimmie is currently the horror hostess of Creeps and Treats, cooking up devilishly delightful goodies while dishing about the latest in horror.

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