Monday, March 31, 2025

Being Human Recap: “Of Mice and Wolfmen”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Being Human Recap: “Of Mice and Wolfmen”
Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday March 11, 2013
Season 3 Episode 9

Being Careful

Some of the decisions we make in life come with consequences. Sometimes we know what those consequences are, and sometimes we just close our eyes and hope that it will all pass and we will remain unscathed. As this season of Being Human progresses, it is more and more evident that we all must be careful what we wish for. In this episode of Being Human, Aidan faces his imminent death, while Josh comes to terms with his inner wolf, and Sally is startled by what the price is for being “human”.


Nora wakes up in the forest blissfully rejuvenated after an evening in the body of her wolf. She dresses and stumbles upon a jolly older naked man not too far away from where she woke up from. He introduces himself as Pete and admits to her that he is a werewolf also. His extremely friendly demeanor surprises Nora and she hesitantly invites him over to stop by her place sometime. When she finally returns to Josh and Aidan, she gets the scoop that Josh was bit and is a werewolf again. What is even more shocking is that Aidan now has the vampire virus due to him taking the blame for Brynn’s death. Nora is so overwhelmed by this gesture that she begins to see Aidan in a new light.

While the Aidan rapidly deteriorates before their eyes, a knock at the door distracts them. It is Pete, and he comes bearing a crock pot of chili. He gets wind of the situation with Aidan and concocts a tea that seems to help Aidan enough to get through a few more hours. This action wins over Josh. Pete explains that he does not have a pack and has become friends with vampires himself. He tells Josh and Nora that he has come to terms with his wolf…even befriending his wolf that he affectionately calls ‘Gordon’. The way to communicating with his wolf is through meditation. The three of them sit down to get a lesson in meditation, and although Josh would like Nora and Pete to think he isn’t all too thrilled to do it, he actually has success. Later on, Josh meditates on his own and finally catches a glimpse of his wolf, to which he tells it, “You are beautiful.” It seems as though Josh is coming to terms with his wolf, and that Nora has turned a new leaf in her friendship and respect with Aidan.

A Vaccine

Aidan is rapidly succumbing to the virus that was cruelly inflicted on him. He somehow gets up enough strength to return to work, probably so that he can see Kenny. When he sees Kenny, he tells him the deal to turn him into a vampire is off because he is now sick. Later, Aidan is approached by Blake, who is shocked to see Aidan suffering from the virus. She is now hell-bent on making Kenny hers.

Aidan returns home to peacefully die and spend time with his friends. He slips in and out of consciousness. While dreaming, he reflects on his past with his wife and son from two hundred years ago. His wife, Suzanna, took care of him while he tried to die as a vampire, but she fed him slowly with her blood, proclaiming that it was just nature’s order. He was not a monster and he deserved to live, just like all of God’s creatures. While surrounded by Sally and Josh, Aidan goes into a full seizure and spews blood from his mouth and eyes. When Nora returns home, Sally and Josh are pleased to announce that after the seizure, Aidan has been progressively become well. This perplexes Aidan, and the only explanation for this is that perhaps the werewolf blood that was in his bloodstream when Erin injected her blood into him, acted as a booster. Once word about this gets out they all know that this will be very dangerous for werewolves.

Aidan makes a surprising decision. He approaches Blake, who is shocked to see him at 100% again, and tells her that he will reveal how he beat the virus, so long as she and all vampires leave Kenny, Josh and Nora alone. She agrees. He then tells her about the werewolf blood acting as a vaccine. Blake questions why Aidan would even tell her this, and he tells her that all creatures deserve to live.

Mice Will Suffice

Sally has been secretly hiding her rotten situation. She is falling apart, literally. With her hair and teeth falling out, she is horrified. Her hunger seems to be getting more voracious by the minute. Regular food just doesn’t seem as appetizing anymore, and she is deeply shocked after she swallows down a live mouse whole. The great payoff for eating the mouse is that her hair grew back and her wounds have been healed. As she passes by a pet shop, she stares into the cages at bigger and bigger creatures; even a small child looks delicious. Sally eventually confesses this all to Aidan, but she reassures him that the price is too high to pay to even consider eating a person. She will suffer the deterioration and stop with the rodent eating cold-turkey. Well, that is her intention.

Zoë calls Sally to meet her in the park. She tells Sally that Nick has been acting strange lately; even bit her hard enough to break her skin. This alarms Sally, and she pays him a visit. Nick admits that he too eats small animals, but he has it under control. By the end of the episode, Zoë returns home to see Nick, who terrifyingly tells her he is still hungry as he lunges at her.

Quotable Quotes

Josh to Nora: “May I ask what inspired you to ask one of our only “muggle” friends over during this particularly supernatural time?”

Aidan to Josh: “Liam expected me to die, and now that I haven’t…”
Josh to Aidan: “No, I’m not going to let him anywhere near you.”
Nora to Aidan: “Neither will I.”

Sally to Nick: “I ate a mouse.”
Nick to Sally: “Oh, thank God.”
Sally to Nick: “Not the reaction I was expecting.”

Featured Music

The song “A National Anthem” by The Details wails passionately as Aidan trusts his heart and kisses Kat, and also while Josh meditates to meet his wolf. We also see a group of vampires attack a lone werewolf on the street for his valuable blood.

“Close My Eyes to See” by Haroula Rose tenderly plays as Aidan returns home to Josh and Sally to die. As he lies down he reflects on many memories with his best friends. He also reflects on the time he became a vampire.

DarkMedia contributing writer Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. She currently covers SupernaturalGhost Adventures, BBC’s Being Human, Syfy’s Being Human, and Sherlock. When she’s not out ghost hunting with her kids, you can find her stealing a moment to add to her own pieces of fiction. Follow her on Twitter @dvsduo and “friend” her on Facebook.

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About The Author

Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. Kimmie is currently the horror hostess of Creeps and Treats, cooking up devilishly delightful goodies while dishing about the latest in horror.

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