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Being Human (BBC) Recap: “Just because we’re a bit rubbish and we’re cursed because of what we are doesn’t mean we can’t be happy.”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Being Human Recap: “Hold the Front Page”
Original Air Date (BBC Three): Sunday March 4, 2012
Series 4 Episode 5

We fall in love with people under many circumstances, but it can be hard to decipher whether or not the circumstances were the only reason it happened. This week’s episode of Being Human focuses on the differences between love and lust…and who better to be the example of it than our perpetually horny teenage vampire, Adam.

Our Teenage Vampire

Oh, Adam! Chasing blondes at St. Hilda’s School for Girls has led him straight into the path of the school mistress, Yvonne. Adam has become smitten with her and the two have a torrid love affair under the judgmental watchful eye of the press out to look for a scandalous story of what they think is a teenage boy and a teacher.

The two try to outrun the press and decide they should hide out with Annie and the mates…not exactly the ideal location. When Annie invites them in Adam is shocked and saddened to hear of the former roommates tragic deaths. Adam then explains to Annie, Tom and Hal that he and Yvonne are in love but have become a newsworthy sensation because he appears to be 15 and she looks to be in her 50’s. The roommates quickly assess that with all of the cameras following, someone might catch on to the fact that Adam’s image will not appear on the photos.

Tom shakes Yvonne’s hand and instantly falls for her. Annie is just shocked that Yvonne can see and hear her. It becomes apparent that Adam has not told Yvonne that he is a vampire. The roommates break the news to her about Adam…and about all of them, what they are. Yvonne has a hard time buying into it.

Adam steps outside to smoke and a reporter snaps his picture but sees that Adam does not show up in the image. Later on that day, the reporter, Pete, comes back to tell him how suspicious it is that Adam has no image. Pete encourages Adam to explain this, but gets no response. Annie asks Hal to silence Pete.

Photo Bomb

Pete shows up at the police station to talk to Cutler about his mysterious photo. Cutler tells Pete exactly what he wants to hear…that there vampires AND werewolves. Pete had always suspected vampires, but never werewolves. Pete then tells Cutler that he has years of evidence about the existence of vampires in his apartment. Cutler agrees to come over to have a look.

When Cutler arrives at Pete’s apartment, Pete notices that Cutler needed to be invited in. He reveals to Cutler a giant cross painted on his door so that Cutler cannot escape. Soon journalists and police will arrive because Pete will expose this secret. Cutler attacks Pete and kills him. Annie and Hal have decided that at this same time they were going to Pete’s place to silence him as well. They arrive too late, and find Pete’s dead body.  Hal and Annie later discuss how eager they both were to shut Pete up. This kind of disturbs them…how easily they would have harmed Pete.


Annie decides it is time to talk to Yvonne about why she is able to unwillingly seduce men. Even Hal has fallen head over heels for Yvonne. Annie believes that Yvonne is a succubus, and after much long discussion, Yvonne agrees. The thing that troubles Yvonne more than anything is that she wonders if Adam is truly in love with her and not just under her spell. Annie does her a favor and invites Adam out of the house, away from Yvonne’s spell, to ask him is his feelings are true. Adam feels different away from her, signifying that it is just the spell that has him attached to her. Annie breaks the sad news to Yvonne and she becomes so distraught and disgusted with herself that she speaks to the press and tells them that she is a monster. The press, of course, thinks she is only figuratively speaking. Adam catches her on the news and immediately runs back to Annie’s apartment where Yvonne is currently seducing Tom. Yvonne runs downstairs to answer the door for Adam, but he tells her no to open the door because he wants her to know that what he is about to say is genuinely from his heart and not her spell. He admits his genuine affection for her. He then tells her that no matter the distance, he will always be under her spell because he truly loves her.

The next day, the two lovebirds decide to leave the apartment to start a new life together. Tom would like to trade places with Adam, but that is just the spell. Hal, Annie, and Tom must get back to the order of their house…and to the sweet baby, Eve.

At the very end of this episode we see Cutler creating a website with pictures of Tom as a werewolf. It seems to us that Cutler wants to take any attention off the possibility of vampires and focus it on the existence of werewolves.

Quotable Quotes:

Hal to Adam:  “Yvonne, your friend…does she have a burn on her body?”
Adam to Hal: “Hell no, and believe me…I’ve licked every inch of that real estate. You know what I’m talking about, brother.” 

Adam to Hal: “I know what it’s like to unleash the beast. The beast inside the trousers.”

Adam to Annie: “Come on, I’m into blondes, with low self-esteem and a perfect rack.”

Adam to Yvonne: “Just because we’re a bit rubbish and we’re cursed because of what we are doesn’t mean we can’t be happy.”

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