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Being Human Recap: “I’m So Lonesome I Could Die”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Being Human Recap: “I’m So Lonesome I Could Die”
Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday February 4, 2013
Season 3 Episode 4

Being Lonely

Most of us have thrown ourselves a pity party every once in a while. We lament over our wrong actions and carry regret. At times, this party carries over and turns into an emotional hangover. Depression sets in and we pretend that everything is ok, but if we are lucky, we have people in our lives that know better and pull us out from under this wreckage. These are the people who love us unconditionally and take the bad with the good. In this episode of Being Human, Josh tends to the troubled heart of Nora, while Sally forces Aidan to appreciate what he still has. Now more than ever, our three roomies need each other to save one another. Slipping into isolation is not an option.

Facts of Life

Wanting to escape the truth behind the incredible guilt and loss over Henry’s death, Aidan becomes reckless. 3 am frat parties and frequent visits to seedy downtown bars are becoming habitual for our sullen vamp. Josh tries his best to sympathize with Aidan, but is hit by an emotional wall. Josh suggests that Aidan go back to the hospital as a nurse and get back in the swing of things. Josh tells Aidan that he told the hospital that he was in Australia WOOFing…whatever that is. Besides, Josh has too many mouths to feed and needs help. With the new addition of Erin, (aka ‘teen wolf’) the household looks more like an otherworldly episode of “Facts of Life”. Just like Mrs. Garrett, Josh sweeps up after everyone while trying to talk some sense into them.

Sally is going stir crazy sitting in the house, afraid that she might kill someone she once knew if they happened to see her. Aidan offers to take her out to a place where she would not know anyone, or even be caught dead in. (Sooo many puns can be made right there.) Even though this dive bar isn’t the classiest of places, Sally manages to have a swingin time with Aidan. She puts on some old “grandpa music” on the jukebox and is delighted by Aidan’s dance moves. The two have a discussion about the pitfalls of being anonymous in life. Aidan explains that it isn’t a good thing to get attached to people and places. He used to be able to get a new identity easily, but after the vampire apocalypse, nobody is left to assist. Sally briefly excuses herself for a moment from Aidan, but when she returns he is nowhere in sight. As Sally leaves to search for Aidan, she stumbles upon one of the bar patrons outside who has obviously become food for Aidan. The two return home, but Sally is not happy. She jumps on top of him while he is in bed, and puts a wooden stake to his heart. She confronts Aidan about his reckless behavior and demands that he stop feeding off of people that could possibly kill him. She reminds him that they are all fighting their own battles, but they still have each other. Aidan broods a while about how he caused all the people he loves to die, but snaps out of it the next day when he returns to the hospital and applies for his old nursing job. He gets hired. Sally decides to take Erin’s advice to steal a dead baby’s social security number so that she may become sorta legal again, but is intercepted by Max at the mortuary where the files are kept. Without having to explain her predicament, Max decides to help Sally out by hiring her “to drain corpses and stuff like that”.

Meet the Parents

Josh convinces Nora that it is time that he meets her family, much to Nora’s chagrin. What Nora does not know is that Josh intends on asking her father’s permission to marry her. When they arrive at her parent’s house, Josh immediately sees why Nora rarely visits. Mom is a push-over, brother RJ is a jerk, and dad Robert is a rude pig. Nora’s mom begins to mention Nora’s old ex-boyfriend and triggers an emotional response in Nora. Josh speaks privately with Nora as she reveals that she killed Brynn. Josh embraces all of Nora’s flaws and romantically tells her that he truly loves her no matter what. Erin has tagged along for the festivities and seems to have hit it off with RJ. Josh approaches the extremely unlikable Robert and asks permission to marry Nora. All Robert can eek out is, “Well, you know what they say…take a look at the mother. It’s your choice.”

The next day, Josh leaves Erin home alone for a bit and returns to see that RJ is upstairs making out with Erin. Josh goes into protective father mode and pulls RJ off of Erin. The two get into a scuffle just as Nora returns home. She manages to stop the fight and escort RJ out of the house. RJ expresses his disgust with her fiancée, but Josh hasn’t proposed yet. Later that evening, Nora makes no mention of RJ spilling the beans about the impending proposal. Instead, Nora dances around the idea that they can’t handle much more responsibility than they already have, but Josh disagrees. Josh is determined to make everything work.

Quotable Quotes

Erin to Josh (regarding drinking booze): “Twilight’s was cool with it.”
Josh to Erin: “Yeah, Aidan’s okay with it because when he was a teenager beer was safer than water. This is not the Mayflower. You are not a pilgrim. Upstairs. Now!”

Josh to Nora: “Great news. If you are hungry, there are empty pizza boxes in the fridge.”

Josh to RJ: “Dial up! Oh. Yeah. I’m old school, too. Call waiting is cool. Smart cars are dumb.”

Sally to Aidan: “Their drinks come in bowls”.
Aidan to Sally: “Yep.”
Sally to Aidan: “Best place ever.”

Sally to Aidan: “You are not alone.”

Featured Music

The song “Decisions” by Soft Swells pours over Aidan as he takes a renewing shower and decides to get back into life by reapplying for his old nursing job. The fitting lyrics explain, “Everything is now gone…All gone…speeding life away.”

“Buried Next to You” by Hipbone Slim & The Knee Tremblers rocks the seedy pool bar as Aidan buys rounds of shots for the patrons.

DarkMedia contributing writer Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. She currently covers SupernaturalGhost Adventures, BBC’s Being Human, Syfy’s Being Human, and Sherlock. When she’s not out ghost hunting with her kids, you can find her stealing a moment to add to her own pieces of fiction. Follow her on Twitter @dvsduo and “friend” her on Facebook.

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About The Author

Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. Kimmie is currently the horror hostess of Creeps and Treats, cooking up devilishly delightful goodies while dishing about the latest in horror.

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