Monday, March 31, 2025

Being Human Recap: “For Those About to Rot”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Being Human Recap: “For Those About to Rot”
Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday March 18, 2013
Season 3 Episode 10

Being Normal

What we perceive to be “normal” is merely an idea that we’ve assigned in our thoughts and opinions. “Normal” is what we are used to, or what we compare things to, but what happens when our “normal” changes? We adapt. We evolve. We modify everything until it becomes a “new normal”. In this episode of Being Human, Josh makes impossible choices, Sally adjusts, and Aidan struggles through resentment and guilt for his “abnormal” situation.


Aidan finds himself waking up on the streets near a dumpster. What is even more disturbing is that he continually dreams about the past. He is reflecting an awful lot on his wife, Suzanna, whom he was wed to while he was a human. Although she stuck by his side and kept his ”vampire” secret, the consequences were felt enormously. They tried in vain to produce a child, but failed. The local reverend even made it a point to drag their tragedy in front of all of the parishioners during church services. The reverend seemed to hold a grudge towards Aidan for marrying Suzanna. Jealousy caused him to tell Aidan and Suzanna that he hoped that God would see to it that Aidan never would have a child. Aidan lost his temper and punched the reverend out. This feud disturbed Suzanna. Finally, Aidan’s prayers were answered and Suzanna successfully birthed a son. Somehow, the look on Suzanna’s face was suspicious after giving birth.

Sally offers her semester’s worth of taking Psychology observational theory as to why Aidan is waking up on the streets near dumpsters. She believes that he is “backed up sexually”. Perhaps if Aidan takes his new relationship with Kat to the physical level, then this madness might stop. Aidan disagrees. He meets up with Kat for their second date at the local college’s library. Kat is an adjunct in History specializing in the era and area of when Aidan was a soldier a couple hundred years ago. While at the library, Kat’s ex-boyfriend Jeff shows up. His condescending attitude annoys them because he obviously is jealous of Aidan.

Later that evening, Kat reveals to Aidan that her relationship with Jeff went sour after she realized that he didn’t want to get married or have children because he had already done it before. Aidan can’t contain his forthcoming and blurts out that he can’t have children, no matter how much he wants to. This second date has become quite intense, and although Kat doesn’t mind what Aidan has just confessed, Aidan believes it would be best if he goes home. They are both a bit “raw” from all of these emotions, and taking their relationship to a physical level at this time might be a bad idea. Aidan gets halfway down the block and changes his mind. He rushes back to Kat’s and tells her that he doesn’t care if it’s a bad idea. Boom chicka wow wow. Sally’s theory about Aidan’s sexual frustration causing him to sleepwalk because he wakes up the next day back in the dumpster…only this time we see that Kat’s ex-boyfriend Jeff lies dead near him from an apparent vampire bite.

Breadboxes are for Bread…Not Body Parts

Josh seems to be coming to terms with his new normal. He visits Pete in the forest to engage in meditation so that he may meet his wolf. He is making progress, but not enough to satisfy Josh. Pete assures Josh that he will help him meet his wolf.

Sally gets a panicked call from Zoe. When she arrives at her house, Sally is stunned to see that Zoe has killed Nick. She explains that Nick tried to eat her. Nick agrees. He is now in ghost form and tells them both that his death is for the best because he was a danger to everyone. He tries to settle Zoe’s mind by telling her that at least he is not stuck in limbo, but she needs to stay away from Sally. His door appears, and he crosses through it. Zoe then tells Sally that she will take Nick’s advice and not remain friends with Sally.

Sally is quite bummed about this predicament and asks Josh to join her to find Stevie so that they can warn him about his impending hunger for human flesh. They are shocked to see that Stevie is at his parent’s house alone. He explains to them that his parents are not home because they are somewhere else, so it’s ok for him to live there for the time being. Sally tries to tell him that eventually he will want to eat people and that he should come and live with them so that they can figure out what to do. Josh walks around the house and notices an awful stench…coming from a breadbox in the kitchen. It is caused by a rotting human arm. Stevie now must fess up. He tells them that he already ate his parents and that the arm belongs to the mailman. This no doubt disturbs everyone, but Stevie is so distraught that he wants to kill himself…again. This sounds like a despicable idea to Sally, but for Josh, it makes complete sense. He realizes that their supernatural lives require supernatural choices. He accepts these facts. Rather than have Stevie kill himself and return to limbo, Josh agrees to kill Stevie. When Josh returns to a sobbing Sally after killing Stevie, a door appears and Stevie is grateful to end his suffering and pass through it. Just as he walks through it, Sally tries to stop him because she notices that there is some type of object on the door…the same object that was on Nick’s door…this can’t be good. It is too late, Stevie crosses through.

Josh had promised Pete that he would come back to his place to get much needed help with meeting his wolf. When he arrives, Pete is being drained and eaten alive by a group of vampires. Josh tries to stop them, but gets knocked out. Luckily for him the vampires know better than to mess with him because of the deal Aidan made with Blake…but it doesn’t look good for sweet Pete.

Quotable Quotes

Josh to Sally:” Oh my God.”
Sally to Josh:” Are you okay?”
Josh to Sally: “Yeah. It’s just…I just can’t believe how unremarkable it’s become to dispose of a body.”

Josh to Sally: “This is my fault. I’m in this. I brought you all back and now I have to deal with the consequences. And the pain. Stevie’s in too much pain, Sally.”
Sally to Josh: “This isn’t right. This is not who you are.”
Josh to Sally: “It’s exactly who I am now.”

Featured Music

“Towering” by Seryn effectively expresses the emotional hurt when Aidan tries comforting his wife after she gives birth to their stillborn child.

“All” by The Howls sings as Aidan decides that NOW is a good time to take his relationship to a physical level with Kat.

DarkMedia contributing writer Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. She currently covers SupernaturalGhost Adventures, BBC’s Being Human, Syfy’s Being Human, and Sherlock. When she’s not out ghost hunting with her kids, you can find her stealing a moment to add to her own pieces of fiction. Follow her on Twitter @dvsduo and “friend” her on Facebook.

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About The Author

Kimmie Chameleon was born and raised with a healthy appreciation for horror and science fiction. Kimmie is currently the horror hostess of Creeps and Treats, cooking up devilishly delightful goodies while dishing about the latest in horror.

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