Monday, March 31, 2025

Being Human Recap: “Always a Bridesmaid, Never Alive”

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by Tracy Ladd:

Being Human Recap: “Always a Bridesmaid, Never Alive”
Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday April 1, 2013
Season 3 Episode 12

I can’t stress it enough.  It’s episodes like this latest that show just how good this show can be, especially because the core cast chewed the screen together for the bulk of the episode.  However, it’s not all kittens, rainbows and cupcakes because that’s not how this show rolls.  There’s drama around every corner and since we haven’t seen much of Donna or Liam in the past few weeks, I figured one or both of them would come a calling.

Before we get into the bulk of the recap, I just have to voice my concern once again.  If I remember correctly, SyFy announced the third season early in the second season last year.  Here we are, with only one episode left, and SyFy is keeping mum on whether or not there will be a fourth season.  This doesn’t bode well at all.  They did the same thing with Alphas, waiting until AFTER the season finale to announce that it was cancelled.  It’s really nagging at me and if SyFy says goodbye, I’ll once again be extremely pissed at them for chopping yet one more of my beloved shows.  Until I know for sure, I’ll hold out hope that Josh, Aidan, Sally and Nora will all be back this time next year.

All that being said, this was another solid episode and one that showcased an emotional level that we don’t seen too often.  All four of the main cast members crushed their respective roles this week and if I’m being forced to admit it, I’ll say I even got a little teary eyed while watching.  Damn all of you!

Sally is getting weaker and worse with each passing minute.  She’s also having nightmares of what Donna has in store for her soul when she finally dies (again).  Josh and Nora share a tender moment discussing how they plan to wed on a mundane Thursday and Nora tells him that they’re doing it now so Sally can be a part of it all.  Josh is happy to be marrying Nora, but is sad about what transpired with Emily last week, because now she won’t be there.  He says how she was the final piece of his former life and her absence will be felt.  Nora assures him that Emily will come around in her own time.

Meanwhile, Aidan is concerned that what happened to Kat’s ex, Jeff, is going to happen to Kenny.  Kenny is still passed out, but he looks normal…so far anyway.  Josh and Nora head downstairs to find that Aidan has erected a traditional Jewish wedding canopy and is in the middle of making them breakfast.  It seems that Aidan is taking his best friend’s wedding seriously and is serving as decorator, caterer and is also officiating the ceremony.  Talk about a man of many talents.

Nora answers a knock on the door and finds that Kat was able to make it to the wedding last-minute.  Kat comes clean to Nora about sleeping with Aidan but she feels weird because she woke up and he wasn’t there.  Given, she doesn’t know he’s sleep-feeding and Nora tells her to give him a chance and that he’s a good man.  Wow…quite the 180 from a couple of weeks ago.

Aidan sits with Kat and the two have that awkward morning after (well…a few days after in this case) conversation and Aidan apologizes for leaving (even though he doesn’t remember doing so) and tells her that he kind of freaked out, but then asks her to be his date to his best friend’s wedding.  She gladly accepts, but makes him promise to realize that this advances their relationship.


Nora goes to check on Sally and finds her curled in a ball in her room.  Wearing only a bra and undies, you can see the extent of the decay, as it’s all over her body.  Nora is horrified and asks why she didn’t tell them how bad it was.  Sally wanted to keep it to herself for the sake of their wedding but she confesses to Nora that she doesn’t think she’s going to make it.  Nora rushes downstairs and pulls Aidan into the kitchen and tells him and Josh about Sally’s state.  They decide to hold a bedside vigil instead of the wedding and Nora sends Kat home.

As Nora, Josh and Aidan sit by Sally’s bedside, Sally asks Aidan what it feels like when the heart stops beating.  He explains what he felt, but does it in a gentle, peaceful manner to ease her fears.  Nora then brings in a bunch of shopping bags and tells Sally that she’s been doing a lot of shopping to prepare for Sally’s impending death.  Not wanting Sally to get stuck wearing leggings and as Josh called it previously “that fugly sweater”, Nora has picked out some fashionable death wear.  She shoos the boys out and helps Sally try on different outfits.  After all the activity however, Sally feels that her time has come and she tells Nora so.

The boys are back at her bedside and they both tell her they will see her soon.  Sally’s scared about what lies on the other side of the door and Aidan tells her that he’ll go with her to fight Donna.  Josh and Nora have a heart to heart where he tells her once again that he’d choose her, but she tells him that she chose him because she knows he’d do anything for his friend and encourages him to join Sally and Aidan to fight Donna.  Now those are some serious friends!

Sally finally dies (again) with the three of them surrounding her.  She’s a ghost again and thankfully not a rotting one.  Aidan and Nora can see her, but Josh can’t.  Not yet anyway.  They don’t have much time to prepare and Aidan makes sure that Sally has the Latin phrase memorized, which she says she does.  Aidan meanwhile, has had some experience with witches in the past and goes for something a bit stronger; Sally’s heart.  Mortified, Sally, Josh and Nora watch as Aidan plunges his fist into Sally’s body and rips out her heart, wraps it in a rag and shoves it in his pocket, along with a lighter telling him that the heart is strongest item used in witchcraft.

The door appears and there is nowhere to go but through it.  Aidan grabs Josh and Sally and the three cross the threshold, leaving Nora in the house.  On the other side, Josh ends up in the forest, confronting, then running from his wolf as it bares his teeth and chases Josh.  Aidan ends up back in his Revolutionary War days and comes face to face with his son, who looks possessed and has fangs.  After a spell, they all three end up in what Josh called the “Thunderdome” version of the soup kitchen….where Ray also is.


Josh sees Ray and sends the other two away, telling them that he has to deal with it.  Meanwhile, Aidan and Sally go off to find Donna.  Josh and Ray go head to head and things aren’t looking good for Josh.  Josh apologizes for what he did and tells Ray how he’s been sending money to Ray’s wife and son.  This seems to soften Ray up a bit, but not for long.  Ray then turns into a werewolf and begins to really stalk Josh.  Josh mans up in a big way however, grabs a blade and in a rather impressive way, beheads the wolf, once again killing Ray.

Aidan and Sally face off against Donna and Sally spews the Latin at her.  Come to find out it’s just a defacing spell and only reveals the witches true age.  Donna lights a fire, where Aidan throws Sally’s heart, which in turns lights Donna aflame.  However, Donna just laughs it off, and throws the flames on to Sally.  Josh shows up just in time to see Sally burning.  She tells both Aidan and Josh that she loves him and explodes into a cloud of ash.  Horrified and teary eyed, Josh and Aidan can only watch in shock as Donna inhales all of Sally’s ash, which restores her youthful appearance.

However, it’s not over yet.  Donna begins to crack and glow and after an explosion of light, Josh, Aidan…and Sally all end up back in Sally’s room.  Seems that they won.  Later on, the four sit on the porch steps and Josh tells Nora that they will get married soon.  However, Emily shows up and tells him that she just needed time to accept the news about him and that they are better people than most of her human friends.  She demands that there be a wedding because she did get all dressed up after all.

The boys get dressed in suits and the girls put on their dresses and we see Nora being walked down the stairs by Emily and Kat (seem the Kat came back).  Josh and Nora say their own vows and once it’s over, they drive off to their honeymoon destination.  Meanwhile at the house, Emily runs in to grab her purse and have one last swig of champagne.  She blows out the candles and walks out, but the candles light themselves again and go up in huge flames.  Sally looks on from the kitchen, knowing something isn’t right.


Aidan notices his bedroom door is ajar and shuts it, Kenny is still downstairs, but whatever happened to Jeff, looks like it’s happening to him as well.  That isn’t going to bode well at all.

Finally, Josh and Nora spend their wedding night at a cabin.  Nora tells Josh that the fire is getting low and stop him from going to get more wood, saying that she’ll do it.  She gets dressed and walks outside, only to be confronted by Liam.

So Liam is finally back…and he’s missing an eye.  That’s a nice touch.  What’s going to happen with all of that anyway.  He’s now Josh’s maker so that makes Josh his pack.  Not sure Liam is the type to live and let live however.  Donna seems to be back, but as a ghost this time.  That’s going to be rather interesting for Sally and is it just me, or is that house getting a bit crowded?

Next week is the finale and it’s sure to be another doozy so stay tuned.

DarkMedia contributor Tracy Ladd has been writing about film since her days on the her high school newspaper. Even though she took a decade or two off to explore other things, she’s back to doing what she loves. She also bakes, can knit a pretty nifty scarf and makes lightsaber sounds with her knitting needles. Or chopsticks. Especially with the lightsaber chopsticks.

You can find her on Facebook, on Twitter @ReelGoddess, and on her website The Reel Goddess.

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About The Author

Tracy has been writing about film since her days on the her high school newspaper. Even though she took a decade or two off to explore other things, she’s back to doing what she loves. She also bakes, can knit a pretty nifty scarf and makes lightsaber sounds with her knitting needles. Or chopsticks. Especially with the lightsaber chopsticks.

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