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Being Human (BBC) Recap: “We created a nightmare, and now, we provide the antidote.”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Being Human Recap: “Making History”
Original Air Date (BBC Three): Sunday March 18, 2012
Series 4 Episode 7

We all have the desire to leave our mark in this world and be remembered forever. We want to be one of the “Greats”…the ones that change the world and make it a better place. We want to earn a whole chapter in the history books and have statues made in our honor. One thing to remember is that no leader, dictator or ruler ever considered that their intentions were evil. It was always what they felt was for the greater good. People would be amazed to discover how each and every one of us can make a difference not only by our actions, but even our intentions. We affect one another tremendously. Make your life count. This episode of Being Human illustrates the impact each decision every person makes and how it affects the future. The glory of being a history maker isn’t always good…you could go down in infamy.

Fallen Off the Wagon

Hal and Cutler have quite a past together. At first introduction in 1950, Cutler was a bumbling attorney assigned to defend charges of illegal gambling against Hal. Hal was a ruthless vampire and took Cutler as his own. Hal talked at great length about how he could foresee that Cutler had it in him to become a history maker. Cutler couldn’t imagine being able to live up to such high expectations. Hal even tried to force Cutler into killing his own wife. Cutler was becoming a blood addict, but refused to kill her. Hal took it upon himself to murder Cutler’s wife and serve up her blood to an unknowing Cutler. When it was revealed to Cutler, it marked a turning point for him.

It is now present day and Hal shows up at the dock warehouse that the vampires control. Cutler is stunned to see Hal. Last they saw each other was over 50 years ago. Cutler informs Hal that he is preparing for the Old Ones arrival, but Hal wants to discuss why there have been so many “leaks” about the existence of vampires and werewolves. Cutler has a plan and will be happy to share it so long as Hal joins him for a glass of blood. Hal excuses himself but returns later for that glass of blood. Against his better judgment and after over 50 years without a drop, Hal gulps down a glass. Hal will have to return back later because he must dash off to a date he has at a bar with Alex. Alex notices that Hal is acting even more peculiar than normal. Hal is becoming bold but it scares Alex enough for her to leave.

Tension is rising in the house because Annie is gone. Tom has been caring for Eve but needs Hal to take over for a bit. Tom has a dinner date scheduled with Cutler where he fully intends on telling Cutler that he is not interested in helping him kill off the Old Ones. Tom arrives at the fancy restaurant but does not have on a required tie. Cutler lovingly puts a tie on Tom and reassures him that it is alright that Tom does not want to go along with the plan, but if he changes his mind, to call him. When Tom comes back home he notices that there is something different about Hal. Right away he knows that Hal has been drinking blood. Hal behaves rudely and even tells Tom that Annie is never coming back and they should just face the fact that they are all monsters. This angers Tom enough to change his mind and tell Cutler that he is now “in” with the plan to take out the Old Ones.

Back to the Future 

So where is Annie? Future Eve came through a ghost’s door and convinced Annie to come with her to see the future. The world is desolate and glum. Most of everyone is dead. Eve explains that when she was a baby during the time the Old Ones arrived, all Hell broke loose. It was a biblical exodus. A vampire even killed the Prime Minister on national television. Annie is confused because she was under the impression that Eve was the savior. Eve agrees but tells Annie that she is to blame. Eve takes Annie over to see some empty cages and explains to her that this is where Tom died. The vampires had camps set up for humans and werewolves. Humans were branded with an “H” and werewolves with a “W”.

Hal returns to the docks to hear what Cutler’s plans are. Another glass of blood is poured for Hal and he desperately chugs it down. Cutler is amused but continues. He explains that he is going to reveal a werewolf to unsuspecting humans. He has arranged for the Old Ones to watch as a werewolf he has befriended changes in the warehouse to a room full of humans. They will think it is a rave and be surprised to see a werewolf. The humans that survive the attack will then take the captured footage from their cameras and cell phones and share it with the world. Once that happens the vampires can reveal themselves and tell the humans that they will protect them from the werewolves. Hal thinks this plan is insane and wants to know the name of the werewolf. When Cutler tells him “Tom”, Hal gets down on his knees and begs Cutler to stop. Cutler is disgusted by Hal’s behavior. Hal used to be powerful. Hal tells Cutler that they don’t deserve the human world and appeals to Cutler’s humanity. Cutler has been robbed of his humanity by Hal. Cutler has no choice but to lock him up in a room in the warehouse while his plan unfolds. Cutler gets quite a giggle when he reveals to Hal that the blood he drank was Alex’s. Hal is locked in the room with Alex’s dismembered body. As soon as the door closes, Hal is startled when he sees Alex walking about. She is angry with Hal for putting her in this situation and is stunned by her new ghostly form. Hal manages to convince her to try to pass through the door and unlock it so that he can warn the human party guests that will be arriving shortly.

Tom arrives at the warehouse and is briefed by Cutler. It is Tom’s understanding that he will turn into a wolf just as the Old Ones arrive and be let out so that he may kill them all. Cutler reminds Tom that he will be a history maker and this would please Tom’s father very much. As soon as the door is locked Tom gets a faint whiff of humans and realizes that Cutler has lied to him. Tom screams through the doors to urge the people to leave but is drowned out by the music. Tom has transformed into his werewolf form and as planned, is released into the warehouse where hundreds of young adults break out their cameras and start filming. Hal then enters the warehouse and yells at everybody to leave…NOW!

Lord Hal

Annie is curious as to what has happened to her in the future. Eve tells her that the last time she saw her she was 18. She tells her that she lost tangibility and control after she lost so many friends. She had drifted apart like smoke on the breeze. Eve then leads Annie to a final destination. Annie assumes that this will have some sort of brutal story about how Hal dies…but Eve gestures her to look up inside of a public building. There hanging is a huge poster of Hal that reads: “Show No Mercy!” He is known as Lord Hal and the camps were his idea.

Eve believes that Annie’s love for her is what caused this tragedy because she was unable to fulfill her destiny. It had been stated that “the War Child must die.” Annie reminds Eve that a nemesis was predicted and has a burned arm. Eve shows Annie her burned arm and tells her that she is both savior and nemesis. Eve leads Annie back to a door that will take her home but before she walks through Eve pleads with Annie to kill her when she gets there. Annie wants to know if she was a good mum to her and Eve lovingly reassures her that she was the best…and learned how to make a great cup of tea!

Quotable Quotes:

Hal to Cutler:  “It’s not dissatisfaction, it’s a feeling more akin to having been born in captivity. The seeping realization that your dreams and ambitions are just too big, too rich for the domestic world.”

Hal to Cutler: “You’re becoming a drunk who never buys a round.”

Cutler to Hal: “Softly, softly…massacre monkey.”

Cutler to Hal: “We created a nightmare, and now, we provide the antidote.”

Cutler to Tom: “Let’s go save the world!”

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