Monday, March 31, 2025

All posts by Michele

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “Killer”

by Michele Pearson: The Vampire Diaries: “Killer” Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday November 8, 2012 Season 4 Episode 5 When we last left Connor the vampire hunter, he had just killed one of Klaus’ hybrids by decapitation and was [...]

The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “The Five”

by Michele Pearson: The Vampire Diaries: “The Five” Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday November 1, 2012 Season 4 Episode 4 1110 A.D. Group of people chanting around a fire.  Lightning, thunder and five people grow tattoos!  Could this be….the [...]

The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “The Rager”

by Michele Pearson: The Vampire Diaries: “The Rager” Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday October 18, 2012 Season 4 Episode 3 So, sort of picking up where we left off last week: Tyler has survived not one, but TWO assassination [...]

The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “Memorial”

by Michele Pearson: The Vampire Diaries: “Memorial” Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday October 18, 2012 Season 4 Episode 2 I love The Vampire Diaries and I love this new storyline but seriously…continuity people!!  It’s only the second episode and [...]

The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

The Vampire Diaries Recap: “Growing Pains”

by Michele Pearson: The Vampire Diaries: “Growing Pains” Original Air Date (The CW): Thursday October 11, 2012 Season 4 Episode 1 When we last left Mystic Falls, Stefan and Damon learned that Elena had died with vampire blood in her [...]

The Vampire Diaries (The CW)

Pieces of Talent (2012)

by Michele Pearson: How can you write a review of a movie that doesn’t do what it says on the box?  I watched the trailer for Pieces of Talent and thought that I would be watching another installment of the [...]


Revenant (2012)

by Michele Pearson: I’ve always loved movies about hauntings and haunted houses.  Poltergeist, The Changeling, and The Others are all scary and compelling films the set the bar for other movies in the genre.  Recently, audiences have been subjected to “found footage” additions in the [...]



by Michele Pearson: Ever since Fifty Shades of Grey came out, the media has been pointing out our supposed growing fascination with the BDSM lifestyle.  I, sadly, have read that trilogy and wrote a brief review on my personal blog.  [...]

Arts and Literature

V/H/S (2012)

by Michele Pearson: Maybe I’m just too jaded to review a horror movie anymore.  The word from Sundance is that people were screaming and violently ill after viewing this.  My thoughts?  They just got motion sickness and it had nothing [...]
