Tuesday, March 4, 2025

All posts by J Malcolm

Sons of Anarchy S6E9 “John 8:32” Review

We start our day in Charming with Jax staring at himself in the mirror until he hears the voice of his youngest child crying… Gemma and Nero greet the day in each other arms… This brings us to a well-executed [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy S6E8 Recap: “Los Fantasmas”

This week’s episode starts with Jax at home for a change, watching over the boys as the day begins. He makes his way back to the bedroom where he finds a resting Tara, who is pretending to recover after her [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy: Season 6, Ep. 7, “Sweet and Vaded”

Despite the feel-good ending of last episode, the realities of SAMCRO’s current situation are everywhere during this week’s opening. The club is shifting through the remains of the TM, pulling the Reaper out of the ashes and dirt and loading [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy: Season 6, Ep. 6 “Salvage”

by J Malcolm Stewart: Given last week’s explosive finale, it’s not surprising that tonight’s open finds Chibs and Jax sifting through the wreckage of the clubhouse with a silent and somber air. SAMCRO’s digs are a total loss, with even [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy Recap, Season 6, Ep.4 “Wolfsangel”

by J Malcolm Stewart: Our episode starts off innocently enough with Chief Unser grabbing a morning toke from his stash of medical marijuana. His buzz is quickly harshed by a knock on his camper door. As he opens it, Unser [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy Recap: Season 6, Ep. 3 “Poenitentia”

by J Malcolm Stewart: The events of the last few episodes are weighing heavy on everybody’s mind, Jax is at home, playing father… Nero is at church taking confession with an very uncomfortable Gemma in tow… Lee has been spending [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Sons of Anarchy Recap: Season 6, Ep. 2 “One One Six”

by J Malcolm Stewart: Given that the season premier of “SOA” dealt with a school shooting committed with one of SAMCRO’s guns, you knew that this week’s episode was going to chock full of consequences. Gemma and Nero experience this [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

The Purge (2013)

by J Malcolm Stewart: Ever since the ink dried on Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, Hollywood filmmakers have had a two-pronged theme about the near future that’s as sturdy as houses. First, the veneer that separates the mundane world from absolute anarchy [...]


Evil Dead (2013)

by J Malcolm Stewart: Generally speaking, there are three things that you should never do in life: Don’t eat the Yellow Snow, don’t step on Superman’s cape and don’t attempt to remake Classic Horror films. Think Gus Van Sant’s Psycho remake. It [...]
