Monday, March 3, 2025

All posts by CharlesT

Top 10 Horror Comics on Comixology

Comixology delivers more year-round horror than any other digital comic app out there. Many of the titles listed here are ones I read long before discovering Comixology. They were also some of the first I downloaded. This is just a [...]

Book Reviews

Luca Guadagnino’s 2018 Suspiria

There are few in the horror community that don’t know the name Dario Argento. Even those that don’t know his works. His masterpiece Suspiria would probably be the most well known. On November 2, 2018 Suspiria returns. This isn’t Dario [...]

Entertainment News

Review: Sandman Universe #1

“He drew us here with whispers that shone like silver foil and still cooling eyeballs.” This is a quote from a raven speaking about Lucifer. It might as well be a quote from me when I was first told that [...]


Webtoon: Empowering Comic Creators in a Digital World

Have you ever had an idea for a comic? Do you already have an original comic but don’t know how to get it out into the world? Have no fear, Webtoon is here! Webtoon is an app that allows artists [...]

Book Reviews

Sandman Universe #1 Variant Cover Art Released

Sandman is coming back and he’s bringing company. From the house that Vertigo built we get to revisit our favorite characters come August 2018. We know Neil Gaiman will be at the helm of this masterpiece but he, too, has [...]

Book Reviews

3 new mazes at Knotts Scary Farm 2017

Knott’s Scary Farm is a nightmare you can’t wake up from. Then again with these mazes, new for 2017, you might never sleep again. Trick or Treat: Lights Out All that’s old is new again. The infamous Green Witch returns [...]

Entertainment News, Uncategorized

Looking ahead to Knott’s Scary Farm 2017

Southern California is very well known for its history of horror. From the Universal Monsters to the haunted Queen Mary, there are plenty of reasons to love this season. One of the best is the transformation of Snoopy’s playground, Knott’s [...]

Entertainment, Entertainment News

The Tick will have a big presence at SDCC 2017

The Tick is back, and there will be a big presence for the cult superhero at SDCC this year.   Spoooooon !!! The cry goes out and evil is put on notice. Cult superhero The Tick is back, thanks to [...]


Hasbro exclusive figures have us excited for SDCC

The announcement of the Hasbro SDCC  exclusives makes us even more excited for San Diego Comic Con. Time is fleeting. Especially the time between now and San Diego Comic Con. Hasbro has sped up that time with the announcement of [...]

Entertainment News