Monday, March 3, 2025

All posts by DarkMedia

Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter”

by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday December 11, 2011 Season 1 Episode 7 A couple of things that I’ve been speculating on came to fruition with this latest [...]

Entertainment, Once Upon a Time (ABC), Recaps and Previews

“Reverb, Tremolo, Cigarettes.” -The Bookhouse Boys

DarkMedia Interviews The Bookhouse Boys: Named after the secret society of vigilantes from David Lynch’s iconic psychological thrill-ride, Twin Peaks, The Bookhouse Boys truly does justice to the depth, mystery and unique nature of their namesake.  Their rich, sensual style [...]

Interviews, Music, Music Interviews

Anne Michaud Bares Her Neck

by Alex Mcdermott: Anne Michaud is an author of many talents, especially getting distracted by depressing music and dark things. She likes to write and read everyday, and speak of herself in the third person.  Since her Master’s degree in [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Shepherd”

by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Shepherd” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday December 4, 2011 Season 1 Episode 6 This week we finally learn Charming/James/David’s back story.  Come to find out he’s not who we thought he was.  [...]

Entertainment, Once Upon a Time (ABC), Recaps and Previews

Once Upon a Time Recap: “That Still Small Voice”

by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “That Still Small Voice” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday November 27, 2011 Season 1 Episode 5 After settling in last night to watch this latest episode it occurred to me just how much [...]

Entertainment, Once Upon a Time (ABC), Recaps and Previews

“I want the things I do to feel unique and personal… If people can tell the difference between my interpretation and another’s I feel like I’ve done my job.” -Lee Bermejo

DarkMedia Interviews Lee Bermejo: Just in time for the holidays, DC Comics has released an incredible graphic novel based on Charles Dickens’ classic “A Christmas Carol” — staring The Dark Knight himself.  With artwork so stunning and dynamic you’d almost [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Interviews

Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Price of Gold”

by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “The Price of Gold” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday November 13, 2011 Season 1 Episode 4 When I was a kid and wanted something really bad I used to always say “I’d do [...]

Entertainment, Once Upon a Time (ABC), Recaps and Previews

“My intention was to anchor the vampire world to the prosaic world of humanity. I thought that would make a great contrast, and it’s the source of a lot of fun to me.” -Charlaine Harris

New York Times bestselling author Charlaine Harris is no stranger to mystery, or the process of creating worlds.  With a career in writing that’s spanned over thirty years, she’s given us so many characters who — fantastic as they may [...]

Arts and Literature, Arts and Literature Interviews, Entertainment, Interviews

Batman: Noël

#1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller Inspired by Charles Dickens’ immortal classic A Christmas Carol, BATMAN: NOEL features different interpretations of The Dark Knight, along with his enemies and allies, in different eras. Along the way, Batman must come to terms [...]

Arts and Literature