Wednesday, March 5, 2025

All posts by DarkMedia

The Vampire: From Ghoul to Teen Idol

by Phillip Donnelly: Vampires have become the idols of the young, adopting roles formerly played by pop stars and political messiahs. Where once a poster of Che Guevara or Jim Morrison might have graced a bedroom wall, a gloomy vampire now [...]

Articles, Arts and Literature

Swingin’ To Live

Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Jeffrey Hollar: Legal Disclaimer: As the attorney of record and chief executor of the estate of one, Zigismund Abraham Zapperstein, herein after referred to by his stage name of Ziggy Zapp [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry

Let Them Eat Cake

Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Rob Smales: Becca tried to stay as still as possible as the box shook and swayed slightly. She braced her hands on the floor to either side, crouching on one [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry


Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Timothy C. Hobbs: The emaciated black man sat huddled against the cold in a dilapidated wheelchair. He wore a dark cowboy hat that was faded in a patchwork quilt pattern [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry

Withered Bouquet

Reader’s Choice selection from DMC’s flash fiction group, Friday Frights. by Blaze McRob: The mirror tells her that all is well for the big day. Her hair is gorgeous, the long, naturally curly, dark black tresses sitting perfectly on the back [...]

Arts and Literature, Friday Frights, Short Fiction and Poetry

Character Driven

by Gerardo Delgadillo: Eric Lom hated writing. That’s a bad thing if you write for a living. He ran a hand through his hair, focusing on the computer, hovering the mouse over the “Documents” folder. He clicked it and drummed the [...]

Arts and Literature, Short Fiction and Poetry

Acid Death

by David Frazier:   Drank it down. The horrible drink, Burned all the way From my mouth,   To my stomach. Acid hydrochloric I think. Poison liquid in glass bottles Drops can eat steel plate.   Eating, burning, Chews a [...]

Arts and Literature, Short Fiction and Poetry

The Post Modern Prometheus

by Phillip Donnelly: First Officer’s Log Oil Platform ARCTIC 5 November 04 Crew increasingly restless. Fight broke out at Dusk +1 between Flynn and Singh. Had to use stun guns used to incapacitate them. Were threatening each other with Swiss army [...]

Arts and Literature, Short Fiction and Poetry

A Pack of Wolves

by Alex Mcdermott: Horror authors are always looking for that new edge on a classic monster. Whether it’s the sparkling vampire or the mutated chemical beast, readers do not want the same tales retold. Eric S. Brown puts his spin [...]

Arts and Literature