Tuesday, March 4, 2025

All posts by DarkMedia

Sons of Anarchy Recap: “Small World”

The following contains spoilers for Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Recap: “Small World” Original Air Date (FX): Tuesday October 16, 2012 Season 5 Episode 6 Wow.  I’ve been sitting here, trying to think of a way to describe this episode [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Dexter Recap: “Buck the System”

by Emily Sofia (Dexter Daily): Dexter Recap: “Buck the System” Original Air Date (Showtime): Sunday October 14, 2012 Season 7 Episode 3 Last week’s gripping, up-and-down-as-ever “Sunshine & Frosty Swirl” left us standing neck-deep in some pretty serious aftermath, with Dexter and [...]

Dexter (Showtime)

Once Upon a Time Recap: “Lady of the Lake”

 by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “Lady of the Lake” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday October 14, 2012 Season 2 Episode 3 Leave it to the creators of Lost to bring audiences another show that jumps between three separate [...]

Once Upon a Time (ABC)

Dark Shadows (2012)

by Frank Godbey Jr: Having been a huge fan of the original Dark Shadows from the late 60s, it was with very real trepidation that I watched the Tim Burton, Johnny Depp remake.  I am not a fan of Tim Burton… [...]


Sons of Anarchy Recap: “Orca Shrugged”

The following contains spoilers for Sons of Anarchy Sons of Anarchy Recap: “Orca Shrugged” Original Air Date (FX): Tuesday October 9, 2012 Season 5 Episode 5 In case you were curious about the title of this week’s Sons of Anarchy [...]

Sons of Anarchy (FX)

Dexter Recap: “Sunshine and Frosty Swirl”

by Emily Sofia (Dexter Daily): Dexter Recap: “Sunshine and Frosty Swirl” Original Air Date (Showtime): Sunday October 8, 2012 Season 7 Episode 2 After last week’s jaw-dropper, heart-stopper of an ending to the seventh season premiere of Dexter, “Are You…?,” anxious speculations [...]

Dexter (Showtime)

Once Upon a Time Recap: “We Are Both”

by Tracy Ladd: Once Upon a Time Recap: “We Are Both” Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday October 8, 2012 Season 2 Episode 2 After last week’s episode I was wondering how the writers were going to handle the dual storylines of [...]

Once Upon a Time (ABC)

World’s Collider: A Shared World Anthology

by J Malcolm Stewart: In Nightscape Press’ anthology  World’s Collider, edited by Richard Salter, the world ends not with a bang or a whimper, but in a collision. In Salter’s shared world tome, humanity is brought to its knees by a sinister [...]

Arts and Literature

The House of the Devil (2009)

by Jim Meyer: Synopsis: In the opening text, we are told that the movie we are about to see is based on true events. The film follows the story of Samantha (Jocelin Donahue), a college girl who is strapped for [...]
