Monday, March 3, 2025

All posts by DarkMedia


Elementary Recap: “The Red Team”

Elementary Recap: “The Red Team” Original Air Date (CBS): Thursday, January 31, 2013 Season 2 Episode 13 by Solomon J. Inkwell: I must say, though it was an excellent episode overall, The Red Team wasn’t one my favorites. Not because [...]

Elementary (CBS)

Synesthete [Short Fiction]

by James Ward Kirk: Lazarus tossed the tissue into the trashcan next to his computer, logged off the website and stood.  The naked light bulb glowed the color of grapefruit, the walls neon blue, buzzing like a horsefly.  The room’s [...]

Short Fiction

Autophonomania [Novel Excerpt]

by Laramore Black: On the eve of our religiously sealed monogamy there was a flame burning in my soul. A revelation of hidden disdain for the mediocre and an acknowledgement to the fact I’ve made my love impossible to last. [...]

Novel Excerpts

In Essence Past [Poetry]

by Timothy Frasier: Electric sleep with stuttering images in black and white Clutching at a reality made of mist and fragile cobwebs The constant smell of ozone with the taste of copper Hiding forever in dread with fragmented memory I [...]

Arrow #3

Arrow #3

by Eric Levy: If you are a fan of the CW’s hit show Arrow, than this comic book of the same title will be right up your alley. I’ve been a comic book fan for years, and rarely do I enjoy titles [...]

Arts and Literature
Daniel Victor

A Conversation with Daniel Victor: “The messages I convey are directly from the stories in my heart.”

Canadian producer, songwriter, and recording artist Daniel Victor revolutionized the music industry with Neverending White Lights: “a groundbreaking collaborative project, band, and conceptual album series”. In November of 2011 Victor and NWL released a third studio album, Act III: Love Will Ruin. This [...]

Interviews, Music Interviews
Army of Darkness

Army of Darkness (1992)

by Tracy Ladd: Well, I have completed my Evil Dead quest and can honestly say that I’ve now watched all three films.  I wrapped up the journey this past weekend by watching Army of Darkness.  Now, this is the one that [...]

The Evil Dead II

The Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn (1987)

by Tracy Ladd: Continuing on with The Evil Dead trilogy, I embarked on part two.  Not knowing what to expect aside from Ash fighting more demons, I continued my journey into the land of Raimi. So I started the film and [...]

The Evil Dead

The Evil Dead (1981)

by Tracy Ladd: Every now and then I go through a phase where I try to catch up on films that rate as must-watch films for any film fanatic. I hate having to admit to not having seen a film if [...]
