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Arrow Recap: “The Undertaking”

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by Eric Levy:

Arrow Recap: “The Undertaking”
Original Air Date (CW): Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Season 1 Episode 21

WARNING: This article contains spoilers.

With only two episodes left this season, Arrow is tying up some loose ends.

The majority of this week’s episode focuses on Oliver–with the help of Felicity–tracking down his stepfather, Walter. Oliver learns about Walter’s whereabouts after tracking down one of Starling City’s many criminals, Dominic Alonzo, stealing his computer, and bringing it to Felicity.

After working her decryption magic, Felicity discovers that Alonzo is tied to Walter’s kidnapping. Oliver wants answers, so he and Felicity devise a plan to get into an underground casino where Alonzo works and speak to him. To do this, Felicity must act as a card shark.

After winning big at Black Jack, Felicity is brought to Alonzo’s office. She is accused of card counting and is found to have a communication device in her ear. This sends in Oliver who interrogates Alonzo about Walter. Alonzo reveals that Walter was killed.

With a heavy heart, Oliver delivers the bad news to his family. Moira, clearly upset, does not accept what she is hearing and decides to confront Malcolm on the situation. Malcolm tells Moira that the information Oliver told her is not true, and that Walter is in fact alive. Using one of his trick arrows, Oliver was able to listen in on the conversation and eventually track down Walter and bring him back to safety.

Also in this episode, we learn the real reason Tommy decided to leave Laurel: Oliver still loves her. Tommy thinks that Laurel is destined to be with his former best friend.

Speaking of Oliver and Laurel’s relationship, we get a deeper look, through flashbacks, at what their earlier romance looked like. Woven into that, was a look back at a proposal Malcolm offered to Robert: essentially wiping out The Glades.

“The Undertaking” was a very well written and acted episode. Felicity continues to shine as Oliver’s tech-girl and friend. Her witty and sometimes awkward character works well in countering Oliver’s serious motif.

Next week’s “Darkness on the Edge of Town” is the second to last episode of the season. Below is a preview. Enjoy, and see you next time, Arrow Heads.

Eric Levy covers the hit CW TV show Arrow for DarkMedia. He is a comic book enthusiast who loves to read, watch, and write about his favorite characters. You can follow Eric on Twitter at @LifeinStrips. You can also check out his blog at

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About The Author

Eric Levy covered Season 1 of the hit CW TV show Arrow for DarkMedia. He is a comic book enthusiast who loves to read, watch, and write about his favorite characters.

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