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666 Park Avenue Recap: “The Dead Don’t Stay Dead”

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by Jessica Grafer:

666 Park Avenue Recap: “The Dead Don’t Stay Dead”
Original Air Date (ABC): Sunday October 14, 2012
Season 1 Episode 3

Jane got herself locked in that hidden room in the basement.  It actually looks pretty cool.  Lots of stuff to explore.  Jane feels the same way.  She’s shining her flashlight around, checking stuff out.  As her light pans over some particularly creepy looking dolls she starts to hear voices.  Just a muttering.  Is someone there?  Jane starting to get freaked out.  Something moves.  Her flashlight dies.  Jane starts banging on the door and practically falls out when Henry opens it.  As Henry leads Jane upstairs we see a little girl in the shadows.

Lots happening at the Drake this week.  Meet Annie.  A cute, young up and coming journalist.  Except the “up” isn’t really “coming” yet.  Annie is stuck writing obituaries for the newspaper.  She desperately wants something more and Gavin sees this.  Gavin tells Annie to use her creativity, even in her obits.  As Annie sits in her apartment writing an tribute to the unassuming Mr. Diebold her imagination takes hold.  Annie gives Diebold a whole new, much more interesting life.  Complete with international espionage and government commissions.  Annie submits her phony obituary and doesn’t give it a second thought.  That is until she’s in traffic the next day.  The funeral of Diebold the great American hero is being held.  Annie is floored.  When she gets to work she makes a slight adjustment to her mothers obituary.  After she makes her mother a best-selling children’s book author things start to change.  The picture of her mother on her desk changes and Annie’s appearance is updated.  Annie’s editor calls her in and wants a feature story on this Diebold.

Louise is feel great since she’ come back home to the Drake.  Brian is close to getting some early morning delight when someone comes into their apartment.  It’s Alexis!  That girl is crazy.  She’s here to take Lou to yoga.  When Brian tells Lou he thinks Alexis is a little too involved in their lives, Lou replies, “without her, I would be screwed.”  “Yeah, that was the idea,” Brian replies after Lou leaves with Alexis.  I really feel bad for Brian.  He’s trying so hard to avoid this temptation.  He even asks Henry to look at their lease to see if they can get out of it.  He loves Louise and wants far and away from this psycho chick.

Jane keeps poking around searching for answers to the history of the Drake.  Henry kind of wants her to stop.  He feels that the Doran’s have been very good to them and he doesn’t want to rock the boat.  Jane can’t help herself.  She goes to Gavin for the blueprints to the building.  Gavin gives Jane the blueprints but not without asking for a favor in return.  Ten years ago this day Olivia and Gavin’s daughter Sasha died.  This day is always hard on Olivia and Gavin would like Jane to keep an eye on her.  Jane offers to take Olivia to lunch.

While Jane and Olivia are having lunch Henry and Gavin are playing a mean game of racquet ball.  Gavin asks Henry what he wants out of life.  Gavin says you have to take what you want.  You can’t wait for people to give it to you.  He basically makes Henry feel kind of like a wuss.  After the tough game Henry and Gavin go to lunch for some more male bonding.  All the “right” people are around and Gavin tells Henry to get over there and talk to Councilman Edwards.  Don’t come back until you have that job, he practically spits that at Henry.  He’s really pushing him.  Henry goes to the Councilman’s table.  Edwards tries to give him the brush off, but Henry pulls a bit of a tough guy out and tells Edwards how it is.  Henry is smart and persuasive so he sits down with Edwards and gets the job.

At the girls luncheon Jane is having a bit of an awkward moment with Olivia.  Between hearing about her dead daughter Sasha and questions about her sex life with Henry I’m sure Jane would much rather be somewhere else.  Jane talks to Olivia about her dreams and visions.  She says she’s not sure what’s real anymore.  Olivia is listening intently to all of this.  On the way home from lunch Olivia is driving like a maniac.  Going faster and faster.  Sasha died in a car accident.  She drove into a concrete wall on purpose.  She wanted to die.  Sasha left a note but Gavin doesn’t know this.  Jane feels terribly for Olivia.  She can tell how deeply Olivia cared for Sasha.  I would’ve loved to have a mother like you, Jane tells Olivia.  I don’t really think so, if you knew the whole deal Jane.  Be careful what you wish for!

Henry goes to check out the lease for Brian.  He sees half naked Alexis across the way.  She actually appears embarrassed!  Imagine that.    Brian tells Henry he wants to take them out to celebrate his new job.  Henry is getting ready to go out and Jane flops down on the bed.  Exhausted from her emotional day with Olivia.  As she waits for Henry, she hears a bell ringing through the vents.  She goes down to the basement and sees blood pouring down the door to the hidden room.  She is horrified.  Jane sees the little girl.  The little girl tries to tell Jane that it’s bad in there.  Jane asks what’s bad, but the little girl doesn’t get a chance to answer.  Gavin appears with the blueprints for Jane.  They go back upstairs together.

Jane and Henry, Louise and Brian head out to the club together.  They are having a blast.  Then Alexis shows up.  They just can’t get away from her!  Alexis and Lou start dancing seductively.  Alexis is winking at Brian while she dances with Lou.  Brian goes up to Lou and gives her a big kiss.  He says he wants to go.  Lou is all for that so they leave together.  Alexis is not happy at all as she is left on the dance floor.  Alone.

While the kids are out playing Gavin is meeting with Councilman Edwards in his penthouse.  Henry apparently got the job per Gavin’s request.  Gavin wants the Three Point Towers project.  There’s another investor however.  This other guy seems to understand what Edwards is really after.  More than money.  We all know how much Gavin loves to hear the word no.  When the elevator comes to pick up Edwards the door opens not to the car but to the elevator shaft.  Gavin shoves Edwards down the shaft and he disappears into that bright, white light.  While Gavin is having his unhappy meeting Olivia is out on the balcony.  She is holding Sasha’s suicide note in her hand.  She lights the corner on fire.  The only parts of the letter we get to read are, “I’m sorry” and “He’s evil”.  I can only assume Sasha found out the kind of person (if he is a person) her dad is and she could live with it.  Now the letter is gone forever.  I wonder what made Olivia finally decide to burn it, after all these years.

Henry and Jane get back to the Drake at 2 a.m.  Gavin wants to see Henry.  Gavin tells Henry the job with the Councilman isn’t for him.  I’m sure Henry will have serious questions about this.  Seeing how Gavin pushed him to approach this man for the job only hours before.  As Jane gets off on their floor she sees the little girl.  I think the  little girl is irritated by Jane.  She tells Jane something like, don’t let him out.  I don’t think she likes Jane messing around in the hidden room.  Jane is going to let something out that she can’t control.

We have to check back in with Annie before we close for the night.  She’s in her apartment writing the expose on Diebold.  She conjures up a hired killer by the name of Kandinsky.  A heartless brute who carries the tools of his trade in a cute little number called a murder bag.  Annie hears something in the hall.  She looks out and it’s Kandinsky!  The very person she just made up is trying to get in her apartment.  Annie tries to jump out the bathroom window but Kandinsky drags her away screaming.  The last we see is Annie gagged and tied to a chair being tortured in her apartment.  I have a feeling Gavin is going to show up to save the day.  He’s only going to ask a small favor in return.

Jane and Henry are in bed.  The bell starts ringing again.  Jane goes to the basement.  The door to the hidden room is open but unbloody.  The bell is ringing louder.  Jane sees her flashlight on in the room.  She picks it up and shines it around the room.  She stops it on a bell hanging on the handle of a dusty old suitcase.  Jane picks up the suitcase and takes it up to her room.  She puts it on the floor next to her bed.  Hands start pressing on the sides of the suitcase from the inside.  I’m thinking this might be who or what the little girl didn’t want Jane to let out.  What kind of mess is Jane getting them into?

Jessica Grafer has loved the “darker” things since she was old enough to pick her own books. She is a contributor for DarkMedia who will be covering Revenge and 666 Park Avenue. She loves to walk the book store shelves and pick up whatever catches her eye. She is a movie lover with a great range in her tastes, and appreciation for all genres. Jessica is a writer and has several things in the works. You can follow her quirky Twitter posts at @scarletbe and check out her blog.


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About The Author

Jessica Grafer has loved the "darker" things since she was old enough to pick her own books. She covers Revenge and Bates Motel. She loves to walk the book store shelves and pick up whatever catches her eye. She is also a movie lover with a great range in her tastes, and appreciation for all genres. Jessica is a writer and has several things in the works.

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