Sunday, March 30, 2025

20th Century Ghosts

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by Missy Jane:

I’ve mentioned before how difficult I find rating anthologies and this one was no different. There are 15 stories in this book and I probably would have only give half of them 5 stars if they were whole books. However, 20th Century Ghosts, overall, is a well written anthology that clearly states the creativity and skill of Joe Hill, so I give it 4 stars. My biggest complaint would be some of the stories ended without a true ending, as if he had simply stopped writing instead of actually finishing the story.

The gems in my opinion are: Best New Horror20th Century GhostYou Will Hear the Locust Sing (though this one could have done with a few more pages too), Abraham’s Boys (my favorite), The Black Phone, The CapeLast BreathThe Widow’s Breakfast, and Voluntary Committal.

Pop Art and Better Than Home seemed more like coming of age stories than any type of horror, which is fine, but not what I expected to find in this anthology. And so when I reached the ends of both I was disappointed, as if someone had told me a joke and walked away without giving me the punchline. I also got that feeling from In the Rundown, but because of the potential I saw in the plot felt even more disappointed. I did like Bobby Conroy Comes Back from the Dead as well.

My Father’s Mask was a confusing story full of vivid imagery that made me feel kind of stupid, as if I just didn’t “get it”. I’m not certain I was meant to.

Overall, I would still recommend this book to any Joe Hill fan, or even a Clive Barker fan. Just be warned the stories are as diverse in genre as subject matter.

DarkMedia contributing writer Ms. Missy Jane is the alter ego of a married mother of four who was born and raised in Texas. She spends most of her time lost in worlds of her own making, alternately loving and hating such creatures as vampires, shape-shifters and gargoyles (to name a few). When not writing, she spends her time reading, taking photos of her beautiful daughters and training her husband to believe she’s always right.

Excerpts from Missy’s paranormal and erotic tales can be found on her website and blog. Missy can also be found online on Twitter @msmissyjane and on Facebook.

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About The Author

Ms. Missy Jane is the alter ego of a married mother of four who was born and raised in Texas. She spends most of her time lost in worlds of her own making, alternately loving and hating such creatures as vampires, shape-shifters and gargoyles (to name a few). When not writing, she spends her time reading, taking photos of her beautiful daughters and training her husband to believe she’s always right.

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