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Being Human (SyFy) Recap: “All I’ve ever done, all I’ve ever wanted to do, is protect you.”

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by Kimmie Chameleon:

Being Human Recap: “The Ties That Blind”
Original Air Date (SyFy): Monday February 27, 2012
Season 2 Episode 7 

Being Friends

Being a friend, a really good friend requires that you make a certain effort to listen with your heart and offer empathy and support during your friend’s time of need. It also requires that you understand and unconditionally support your friend when they have lost their way, or are so busy with their own problems that they have neglected you. This week we see just how strong the bond of friendship is between Josh, Sally, and Aidan. Sally feels left in the dust by her friends, Josh loses his integrity of truth, and Aidan tries to be a pillar of strength for his pals.

Reap Me

Aidan and Josh have become annoyed with a sudden surge of poltergeist activity in the house and naturally blame Sally. Sally denies that she is responsible for the incessant flickering lights, chairs piled on tables, and the word “whore” written on the bathroom mirror. Josh and Aidan don’t care what Sally has to say. They just want it to stop.

While home alone, Sally demands the activity to stop, but gets spooked enough to leave and ask Aidan for advice at his work when she believes that she heard her ex-boyfriend’s voice haunting her. Sally believes that this is impossible since the ex-boyfriend that murdered her, Danny, is in prison. Aidan does a quick search on the internet and informs Sally that Danny recently was killed by his cellmate. Aidan tries to calm Sally down by telling her that he will help her kick Danny’s ass by dispersing his paranormal presence with iron…just as soon as he gets off of work. Aidan suggests to Sally that she not be in the house alone.

Confident that Aidan will be home soon, Sally returns home and grabs an iron poker. Danny immediately materializes and attacks Sally. Just as Danny is about to strike down Sally with the iron poker, Danny gets vaporized into a cloud of black smoke by the dark entity that has been stalking Sally. Sally asks the entity who they are and the black mass forms into an attractive man. Sally instinctively knows that this is the Reaper. The Reaper tells Sally that she should have gone through her door when the door appeared in front of her. He understands why she didn’t, but that does not change the fact that he still needs to reap her.

Sally visits her grave later on that evening and finds the Reaper sitting by her tombstone. Sally shares with him that she is miserable, and that she has nobody. Even her friends, Josh and Aidan, have lives to live, but she does not. The Reaper expresses his adoration of her, but warns her that she must say her final farewells. He will need to reap her in a few hours. Sally returns home and waits for Aidan and Josh. When the guys arrive home she sees that they are extremely exhausted. Aidan pauses for a moment and gives a heartfelt apology to Sally for never returning to help her fend off Danny as he promised. The guys head straight to bed and Sally sits in her “spot”…halfway down the staircase. She quietly whispers her goodbyes to the boys and mutters, “O.K. I’m ready.”

Is That A Knife In My Back?

After a few weeks of absolutely no contact from Nora, Josh is stunned to see her back at work. She tells him that she has been tucked away at a B&B by the beach. She needed time to reflect and be alone. Josh conveys to her how hurt he is that she did not seek comfort with him. Nora tells Josh that she listened to her voicemails and is thankful to Josh for covering up her murderous attack on her ex-boyfriend.

Josh searches for Aidan at work, and asks him if he believes the hospital will notice if an EEG machine is missing. Aidan knows how closely the hospital monitors its equipment, but the conversation quickly turns ugly when Aidan inquires how odd it seems that the police suddenly dropped the investigation into the murder of Nora’s ex-boyfriend. After Aidan reveals that Cecilia has been missing for the past few days, Josh fesses up and tells Aidan that he gave Cecilia the gun that belonged to Hegeman. Josh also admits that he told Cecilia that the twin purebred wolves, Brynn and Connor, are responsible for Hegeman’s death. Aidan is baffled that his “friend”, Josh, would go against his wishes and  involve the vampires with the wolves. Aidan fears that this will cause chaos.

While on break at work, Brynn and Connor surprise Nora with a visit. They invite her out for drinks before the impending werewolf “turn” in the later evening. Nora tells them that she will be staying with Josh. The twins implore her to drop Josh altogether because they believe that he got Aidan to send Cecilia to kill them. Nora takes off immediately to confront Josh about this. Josh again lies, and tells Nora that Aidan did this to protect her. Nora feels betrayed by Josh for him letting her friends be set up to get killed. She leaves Josh and joins the twins.

Aidan finally receives a call from Cecilia’s cell phone, only it is Connor on the other end. Connor threatens to kill Cecilia unless Aidan shows up in the woods where they are hiding out. Josh’s lies are getting bigger by the minute. Aidan has no choice but to seek help from Atlee, an authoritive vampire in town that has been sent to settle the matter of Hegeman.

Friend Or Foe?

Josh decides to join Nora at the twin’s cabin in the woods. They are floored when he arrives, but Josh himself is stupefied when Aidan arrives. Josh realizes now that the twin wolves have lured Aidan in to seek revenge for their belief that Aidan took out a hit on them. Josh now knows how complicated his lies made everything and confesses to them all that he was the one that asked Cecilia to kill them. Before anyone has a chance to digest this, the “turn” begins. Connor and Brynn indicate that they want to play a traditional game of “monsters vs. monsters”. They want the wolves to go up against the vampires. Josh screams at Aidan to leave. Aidan bolts out into the woods. He meets up with Atlee, but when Atlee realizes they are up against four wolves, he runs away. Aidan must face the wolves alone. Armed with a silver knife that Josh once gave him as a protective present, Aidan hears Cecilia’s cries in the forest. She is tied to a tree and surrounded by the four wolves. Aidan is able to free a heavily injured Cecilia, but she urges him to leave her to distract the wolves so he can escape. It would be impossible for them both to survive. Aidan reluctantly agrees and flees. The wolves pile on top of Cecilia and tear her apart.

Josh and Nora wake up in the morning bloody and naked in the forest. Josh is horrified by what had transpired, but what saddens him more is Nora’s confession that she does not want to be human anymore. She feels no remorse. They return to the shed in the woods to get dressed and the twins are present. As Connor begins his egotistical boasting, Aidan arrives with Hegeman’s shotgun and shoots Connor dead. He drags the lifeless wolf body to the cowardly Atlee and tells him that he can take credit for the kill. Josh and Aidan return home together and see a distraught Sally, but that will have to wait….they need to rest.

Quotable Quotes:

Josh to Sally:  “Also, neither of us recently played Maria Von Trapp to a group of ghostly teenage wastelands.” 

Josh to Sally:  “Why is the bathroom mirror telling me I’m a whore?”

Aidan to Sally: “Don’t be home alone. There’s a girl down the hall in room 305 who just had her appendix taken out and she’s marathoning the original 90210. I think ‘Donna Martin Graduates!’ is up next.”

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